Legislation and Guidance

Page updated on: 03/07/2024

In Wales there is now a framework of linked legislation, policy and guidance that has been developed to guide action to maintain and enhance biodiversity in Wales and the sustainable use of our natural resources.

In Carmarthenshire, the Biodiversity and Resilience of Ecosystems Duty set out in the Environment (Wales) Act 2016 provides public bodies (including the council) with a clear direction for the protection of biodiversity and sustainable ecosystems.  As required by WG a Forward Plan has been produced that sets out a realistic approach for what can be achieved in the initial term, and sets a framework that will continue to be developed. The Council has identified how it will collaborate with colleagues across the authority to develop an understanding of biodiversity. In addition the Environment (Wales) Act 2016 seeks to ensure that consideration for biodiversity is embedded in all business and project development processes through actions that seek to actively pursue opportunities to maintain and enhance our natural environment, and promote ecosystem resilience.

Whilst this presents challenges it also provides opportunities for the Council to focus on the enhancement of biodiversity within work areas where it may not have been considered previously. The Forward plan will be regularly reviewed and reported on to WG every 2 years.

The Council’s Corporate Strategy 2018-23 also has a Well-being objective to ‘Look after the Environment now and in the future’, which reflects the Resilience Goal in the Well-being Future Generations Act  that requires public bodies to set objectives to achieve a ‘biodiverse natural environment with healthy functioning ecosystems’. This is part of the overall aim to improve the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales.

