LAF Terms of reference

Page updated on: 30/10/2024

The Local Access Forum (LAF) shall be known as the Carmarthenshire Local Access Forum.

Roles and Responsibilities

The function of the Carmarthenshire Local Access Forum is to provide advice to Carmarthenshire County Council, the Countryside Council for Wales and others as appropriate, as to the improvement of public access to land in the area for the purposes of open air recreation and the enjoyment of the area in ways which take account of land management, social, economic, environmental and educational interests.

The Carmarthenshire Local Access Forum will fulfil this role by advising on issues of particular local relevance, including: 

  • Supporting the implementation of the new right of access to open countryside
  • Improving the right of way network
  • Develop recreation and access strategies that cater for everyone.

The Carmarthenshire Local Access Forum will work to: 

  • Develop a constructive and inclusive approach to the improvement of recreational access to the countryside
  • Respect local circumstances and different interests whilst operating within national guidance
  • Provide advice on issues of principle and good practice
  • Engage in constructive debate and seek consensus wherever possible
  • Where consensus is not possible, make clear the nature of differing views and suggest how they might be resolved.


The Carmarthenshire Local Access Forum will have a Secretary appointed by the Appointing Authority (County Council) who will be responsible for: 

  • Providing support to the Chair of the Forum
  • Ensuring that the Forum in set up and run according to the CROW Act, LAF Regulations and these Terms of Reference
  • Managing any resources dedicated to this work
  • Arranging and promoting meetings, including arranging the delivery of papers and information to Forum members and the public
  • Producing minutes of Forum meetings to include decisions, notes and action points only.


  • Meetings will be held at least twice a year, and more frequently as and when necessary, to be agreed by the LAF and the Appointing Authority
  • Meeting agendas will be agreed between the Chair and Secretary - although any member may suggest agenda items for consideration
  • Meetings will be advertised in advance and the minutes published
  • The Forum will invite advisors / observers to the meeting when appropriate
  • Advisors / observers will be able to contribute to the proceedings at the discretion of the Chair
  • One representative of each the Countryside Council for Wales and the National Assembly Government and any officer of the Appointing Authority will automatically have observer status. 
  • If necessary LAF committees will be set up by the Chair after agreement with the members
  • All meetings of the LAF will be held in public. However, the person presiding, following a request from a member or members, may decide that the public should be excluded for particular items for reasons of personal privacy or commercial confidentiality.