Draft Charging Policy for Social Care Services

Appendix 2 - Operational rules for commencement and termination of packages of care and support

The charging week runs from Monday to Sunday

NB - For Non-residential social services (charging) the rules detailed below may not necessarily affect the amount the person contributes each week; the care recipient pays the lesser amount of:

  • Their financially assessed contribution
  • The charge for the service provided.
  • The maximum weekly charge (cap)

1. Commencements

Domiciliary Care – Packages Commissioned in Hours/Minutes and Visits (Non-Residential charging) – the total hours per week will be divided by 7 and the result will be multiplied by the number of days remaining in the week including the commencement day.

Hours Commissioned per Week (No Visits) (Non-Residential charging) – the total hours delivered that week.

Services Commissioned in Sessions/Days (Non-Residential charging) – charge the actual sessions/days received including the commencement day (see 4 for definition of sessions)

Specialist Assistive Technology (Non-Residential charging) – A charge will be applied for the number of days remaining in the week including the commencement day.

Respite/short-term care (Non-Residential charging) – A charge will be applied for the number of nights remaining in the week including the commencement day. If there is an Additional Cost this will be applied for the number of days remaining in the week including the commencement day (pro-rata)

Temporary/Permanent care home placement – A charge will be applied for the number of nights remaining in the week including the commencement day (pro-rata), based on the financially assessed contribution). If there is an Additional Cost this will be applied for the number of days remaining in the week including the commencement day (pro-rata).


2. Terminations

Domiciliary Care – Packages Commissioned in Hours/Minutes and Visits (Non-Residential charging) – the total hours per week will be divided by 7 and the result will be multiplied by the number of elapsed days in the week up to the day before termination day.

Hours Commissioned per Week (No Visits) (Non-Residential charging) – the total hours delivered that week.

Services Commissioned in Sessions/Days (Non-Residential charging) – charge the actual sessions/days received up to and including the termination day. (see 4 for definition of sessions)

Specialist Assistive Technology (Non-Residential charging) – A charge will be applied for the number of days elapsed in the week up to the day before termination day/date of request for removal of service.

Respite/short-term care (Non-Residential charging) – A charge will be applied for the number of nights received up to the termination day. If there is an Additional Cost this will be applied for the number of nights received up to the termination day (pro-rata)

Temporary/Permanent care home placement – A charge will be applied for the number of nights received up to the termination day (pro-rata), based on the financially assessed contribution). If there is an Additional Cost this will be applied for the number of nights received up to the termination day (pro-rata)


3. Missed Visits/Service

Domiciliary Care – Packages Commissioned in Hours/Minutes and Visits (Non-Residential charging) - Total hours divided by visits and multiplied by the number of visits missed - to be deducted from package.

Hours Commissioned per Week (No Visits) (Non-Residential charging) – the total hours delivered that week.

Services Commissioned in Sessions/Days (Non-Residential charging)– Deduct the actual session/days missed. (see 4 for definition of sessions)

Specialist Assistive Technology (Non-Residential charging)– Service is not amended and is charged throughout, until a request to remove the service/equipment is made.


4. Day Care Sessions

A day care session is defined as:

If a service is received before 1pm on any day and for any length of time, then it will count as one session.

If a service is received between 1pm and 6pm on any day and for any length of time, then it will count as one session.

If a service is received after 6pm on any day and for any length of time, then it will count as one session.