Sight / hearing loss
Page updated on: 23/05/2024
There are a range of services which provide advice and support on independent living for adults with sensory impairments. We offer help and guidance to adults who live in Carmarthenshire, who:
- Have sight loss, hearing loss or both
- Are carers of people with sight or hearing loss.
How can we support you?
By working with other health and social care services in Carmarthenshire we can help you get the support you need. This may include care and support assessments, and equipment and adaptations to your home.
For example, if you are deaf or hearing impaired you may be experiencing frustrating problems at home. Perhaps you need to have the television on too loud or perhaps you don’t always hear the telephone or doorbell ring. A vibrating pager system or flashing light can alert you to callers at the door or the phone ringing.
If you have visual problems, we have specialist workers called Vision Rehabilitation Specialists who can give you information and advice about the registration process of sight impaired/severely sight impaired. We can help promote your confidence with mobility training enabling safe travelling; provide you with skills in daily living to enable you to continue with your daily tasks. There is equipment which can be loaned from us which can help you with your visual impairment. We can teach you forms of communication and provide you with low vision therapy with your newly prescribed magnifiers.
Accessing Services
If you experience difficulty in accessing services because of hearing or visual impairment we have trained staff who may be able to help you.
If needed, we can help you to access a Sign Language Interpreter, Lip-Speaker, or other communication support at any important appointments you may have. A social work service in sign language is also available.
If you have frequent difficulties with communication, we can advise you on which other organisations are available that can help you with benefits advice.