The Well-being of Future Generations Act
Page updated on: 24/11/2023
The Well-being of Future Generations Act (2015) is a law which is about improving the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales.
It means that we must do our work in a sustainable way, and think about the impact our work can have for people living in Wales, now and in the future. We must work with other public bodies in Wales to:
- work together better
- involve people reflecting the diversity of our communities
- look to the long term as well as focusing on now
- take action to try to stop problems getting worse - or even stop them happening in the first place.
To help understand the Act we have taken an ABC approach:
Like all of the individual public bodies named in the Act, we must follow the Sustainable Development principle - meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
For Wales to be sustainable it is important that we improve all four aspects of our well-being (economic, social, environmental and cultural) - each is as important as the others.
The Act requires public bodies to implement five key ways of working in its future decision making: looking to the long-term; taking an integrated approach; involving a diversity of the population; working with others in a collaborative way; and understanding the root causes of issues to prevent them from occurring.
Public bodies need to make sure that when they make decisions they think about how it will affect people living in Wales in the future. This means they need to think about being sustainable. Being sustainable means using the things we need to live our lives but making sure that there are still enough left for future generations. To be sustainable, they have to think about:
- The long term
- What impact do decisions have on each other?
- How they involve people in making decisions
- How they work together with others
- How to stop problems happening in the first place
This means that as a group we must improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of our area by working to achieve the 7 Well-being Goals. We will assess the state of economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being and publish a well-being plan setting out our local objectives and the steps we will take to meet them.
The seven well-being goals (‘the goals’) show the kind of Wales we want to see. Together they provide a shared vision for the public bodies listed in the Act to work towards. They are a set of goals; the Act makes it clear the listed public bodies must work to achieve all of the goals, not just one or two.
This will help create a Wales that we all want to live in, now and in the future.
These boards have been set up as part of the Well-being of Future Generations Act, and they replace the Local Service Board (LSB) which were in place previously. Their purpose is to improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being in their area by working together to achieve the well-being goals.
There are 19 Local Public Service boards and there will be 20 Local Well-being Assessment drafts produced ready for public consultation. The Statutory Members of each Public Services Board are the local authority, the Local Health Board, the Fire and Rescue Authority and Natural Resources Wales.
In addition to the statutory members each Public Service Board will invite the following people to participate Welsh Ministers, Chief Constables, The police and crime commissioner, certain Probation Services and at least one body representing relevant voluntary organisations. PSBs will also be able to invite other public service organisations to participate.
Within Carmarthenshire our four statutory members are:
- Carmarthenshire County Council
- Hywel Dda University Health Board
- Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service
- Natural Resources Wales
Our other partners are:
- Coleg Sir Gâr
- University of Wales Trinity Saint David
- Dyfed Powys Police
- Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Commissioner
- Department for Work & Pensions
- Carmarthenshire Association of Voluntary Services
- Welsh Government
- National Probation Service
- Wales Community Rehabilitation Company
- Brecon Beacons National Park Authority
- Arts Council of Wales
Council & Democracy
The Council
Councillors, AMs and MPs
- Your County Councillor
- Public Participation Strategy and Petition Scheme
- Councillor allowances and interests
- Town & Community Councillors
- Members of Welsh Parliament
- Members of Parliament
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Council departments
Have your say
- Draft Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy Public Consultation
- Draft Allotment and Community Growing Strategy Public Consultation
- Budget Consultation 2025
- Llandovery Active Travel Improvements
- Carmarthenshire County Council Play Survey 2024
- A Community Transport Strategy for Carmarthenshire
- Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance: Carmarthenshire Shopfront Design Guide
- Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance: Conservation Areas: An Essential Guide to their Enhancement
- Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance: Appropriate Repair, Maintenance and Energy Efficiency in Traditional Buildings: Guidance for Sustainability
- Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance: Methodology for Determining Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs) in Carmarthenshire
- Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance: Open Space
- Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance: Welsh Language
- Additional Licensing Scheme for HMOs
- Active Travel Carmarthen
- Llanelli Active Travel Engagement
- Gambling Policy Review
- Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2024-2030
- Modernising Education Programme Strategy
- Social Housing Allocations policy
- Allotment and Community Growing Survey
- Habitats Regulations Assessment for the 2nd Deposit Revised Local Development Plan 2018-2033
- Integrated Sustainability Appraisal for the 2nd Deposit Revised Local Development Plan 2018-2033
- STAR Tenant Satisfaction Survey
- Carmarthenshire Residents Survey 2023
- Primary Rising 4s Policy 2025/26 Consultation
- Budget Consultation 2024
- Tumble Active Travel Masterplan Scheme
- Shaping Digital Carmarthenshire
- Leisure Strategy 2023-33 community consultation
- 20mph Speed limits
- Actif Places Consultation
- Strategic environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment
- Carmarthenshire Residents Survey 2024
- Licensing of Dog Breeding in Carmarthenshire
- Charging policy for social care services
Committees & Meetings
- Agendas and minutes
- Governance & Audit Committee
- Council Diary
- Democratic Services Committee
- Cabinet
- Officer decisions
- Forward Plans
- Planning Committee
- Scrutiny
- Standards Committee
- Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE)
Strategies and plans
The Council Budget
Council Budget
- Budget Digest
- Statement of accounts
- Dyfed Pension Fund
- Education through regional working (ERW)
- Swansea Bay City Deal
- Simple ways to save the Council money
Council Performance
- Performance Management
- Audit Inspections & Reports
- The Well-being of Future Generations Act
- Council's Annual Report 2023-24
Public notices
Brexit guidance
Welsh Language
Climate Action Carmarthenshire
- What are we doing?
- What is the Welsh Government doing?
- Climate Change
- What can we do?
- Why take action?
- Save money on energy bills
- Reduce carbon emissions
- Enhance property value
- Promote health and community well-being
- Green travel choices
- Green daily choices
- Green food choices
Equality & Diversity
Armed Forces Covenant
Elections & Voting
- UK Parliamentary General Election
- Police and Crime Commissioner Elections 2024
- Senedd Elections 2026
- Voting
- Eligibility to vote
- How do I vote?
- Changes to Postal and Proxy Voting
- Register to vote
- Update your details on the Electoral Register
- How to opt-out of the open register
- Viewing the Electoral Register
- By-elections
- My nearest - Election information
- Help for Disabled Voters
- Voter ID
- Notice of Vacancy
- Recruitment for elections
- Community Review - Llanboidy and Whitland Community Council Areas