Help for Disabled Voters
Page updated on: 21/11/2024
We attempt to make all our polling stations wheelchair accessible and can provide ramps where necessary.
In addition to this:
- All polling stations have a polling booth adapted for wheelchair users
- Large print versions of ballot paper(s) are available in every polling station, along with aids to enable blind voters to mark their ballot papers without help
- If you are a Disabled voter and you need support to complete a ballot paper on your own, you can take a friend or relative to the polling station to assist you
- The Presiding Officer at the polling station can help you fill in your ballot paper
- Tactile Voting Device for people with a visual impairment
- Large Magnifers
- Pencil grips
- Coloured Acetate overlay sheet for visual stress relief
- Chairs for people who cannot stand for long periods
If you don’t want to go to the polling station to vote, you can vote by post, and voters with a disability can have a permanent proxy vote (this is where you nominate someone to vote on your behalf at your polling station).
Postal or Proxy voting forms
Guidance and application forms for postal and proxy voting are available to download from the Electoral Commission website or by contacting Electoral Services.
Information for Disabled voters
All voters have a right to vote independently and in secret. Local authorities in Great Britain now must take proactive steps to ensure that polling stations don’t disadvantage Disabled people.
Read more about disabled people’s voting rights.
Mencap have provided a resource pack to help people with a learning disability better understand voting and politics. has information to help people with a learning disability (PWLD) and their support workers to understand what voting is, why it is so important, and how you can vote.
Your Free Voting Passport
Polling Stations should have disabled access, and staff should help make reasonable adjustments so people with disabilities can vote.
You may have to talk to polling station staff about what support you would like.
It is important to remember that everybody with a learning disability has the right to vote and so long as they can communicate who they wish to vote for, somebody can complete the ballot paper on their behalf. Our Voting Passport is useful for you to take along to the polling station that will indicate to the polling station staff what kind of assistance you would like.
To request a Free Voting Passport, please email and let us know your name and where to send the Voting Passport or speak to one of the elections’ team on 01267 228889. We will then send you a free Voting Passport so that you can use when elections take place.
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- Carmarthenshire County Council Play Survey 2024
- A Community Transport Strategy for Carmarthenshire
- Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance: Carmarthenshire Shopfront Design Guide
- Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance: Conservation Areas: An Essential Guide to their Enhancement
- Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance: Appropriate Repair, Maintenance and Energy Efficiency in Traditional Buildings: Guidance for Sustainability
- Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance: Methodology for Determining Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs) in Carmarthenshire
- Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance: Open Space
- Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance: Welsh Language
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- Integrated Sustainability Appraisal for the 2nd Deposit Revised Local Development Plan 2018-2033
- STAR Tenant Satisfaction Survey
- Carmarthenshire Residents Survey 2023
- Primary Rising 4s Policy 2025/26 Consultation
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Elections & Voting
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- Help for Disabled Voters
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