Page updated on: 19/10/2024
Scrutiny plays a key role in improving the services that the people and children of Carmarthenshire use. The scrutiny function is also useful in ensuring that Council policies reflect current priorities, as well as promoting efficiency and encouraging effective partnership working with external bodies. Carmarthenshire County Council has 5 Scrutiny Committees:
- Corporate Performance & Resources
- Communities, Homes & Regeneration
- Education, Young People & the Welsh Language
- Health & Social Services
- Place, Sustainability & Climate Change
The Committees normally meet 8 times a year on a 6 weekly basis to consider issues and reports included in a scrutiny forward work programme, which is developed at the beginning of the municipal year (i.e. May-April). Additional meetings are sometimes arranged if required and special or joint meetings may be held to consider urgent or cross-cutting issues. The Scrutiny Committees are politically balanced to reflect, as far as possible, the political composition of the Council as a whole. The Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Committees are appointed at the beginning of each municipal year for a period of one year (May - April).
The majority of decisions are made by the Cabinet of 10 county councillors. Scrutiny offers the other 65 councillors an opportunity to influence those decisions and act as a 'critical friend'. It is also useful in ensuring that Council policies reflect current priorities, as well as promoting efficiency and encouraging effective partnership working with external bodies.
Scrutiny Committees’ main roles and responsibilities are to:
- Examine how well the Cabinet and Council are performing.
- Hold the Cabinet to account and seek to promote open and transparent decision-making.
- Monitor the performance of the Council’s services and functions.
- Review decisions made by the Cabinet where appropriate.
- Assist the Cabinet in the development, monitoring and review of policy.
- Scrutinise, as a key element of the consultation process, the proposed revenue budget strategy and capital investment programmes.
- Enable the participation of external organisations and partners in consideration of issues that may impact upon the delivery of Council and countywide priorities.
Corporate Performance & Resources
This is the main overarching committee which has a key responsibility for monitoring Authority-wide policy and performance issues and is the designated Scrutiny Committee for scrutinising the Carmarthenshire Public Service Board. It is responsible for the overview and scrutiny of the Cabinet and the following Cabinet Portfolios and their respective service areas:-
Communities, Homes & Regeneration
This committee’s is responsible for the overview and scrutiny of the Cabinet and the following Cabinet Portfolios and their respective service areas:
- Homes
- Rural Affairs, Community Cohesion and Planning Policy
- Regeneration, Leisure, Culture and Tourism
Education, Young People and the Welsh Language
This committee’s is responsible for the overview and scrutiny of the Cabinet and the following Cabinet Portfolios and their respective service areas:
Place, Sustainability & Climate Change
This committee’s is responsible for the overview and scrutiny of the Cabinet and the following Cabinet Portfolios and their respective service areas:
Health & Social Services
This committee’s is responsible for the overview and scrutiny of the Cabinet and the following Cabinet Portfolios and their respective service areas:
Each Scrutiny Committee is required to produce and publish a planned programme of work called a "Forward Plan" (FP), to cover the period of a municipal year (i.e. May - April). The FP includes a range of issues and reports to be considered over the course of a year and is usually formulated to reflect issues emerging from the Cabinet’s own FP.
The FPs are developed by members of each of the Scrutiny Committees and are designed to be flexible so that they are capable of reacting to urgent issues. The FPs also reflect Scrutiny Committees’ roles in performance monitoring, policy development and investigative scrutiny. The Council’s Scrutiny Committees develop their FPs for the period May to April the following year and these are normally confirmed by the respective committees at their meetings in May/June of each year.
As part of their investigative role, Scrutiny Committees can establish a Task & Finish Group during each municipal year. These are sub-groups of the main committee which are asked to investigate specific issues and report back findings and recommendations for approval before presenting them to the Cabinet.
The purpose of task and finish groups is to contribute to the development of new policy or to undertake a piece of investigative scrutiny work and they have been instrumental in strengthening the policy development / investigative roles of scrutiny during the past few years.
The most recently completed reviews are listed below:
- Communities, Homes & Regeneration - Emergency Interim Social Housing Allocations Policy
- Communities, Homes & Regeneration - Adaptations Policy
- Place, Sustainability & Climate Change - Flytipping
Each Scrutiny Committee produces an annual report detailing its work during the past year. The latest annual reports are available below.
- Policy & Resources Scrutiny Committee Annual Report 2021-22
- Communities, Homes & Regeneration Scrutiny Committee Annual Report 2022-23
- Communities, Homes & Regeneration Scrutiny Committee Annual Report 2023-24
- Education, Young People and the Welsh Language Scrutiny Committee Annual Report 2022-23
- Education, Young People and the Welsh Language Scrutiny Committee Annual Report 2023-24
- Place, Sustainability & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee Annual Report 2022-23
- Place, Sustainability & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee Annual Report 2023-24
- Corporate Performance & Resources Scrutiny Committee Annual Report 2022-23
- Corporate Performance & Resources Scrutiny Committee Annual Report 2023-24
- Health & Social Services Scrutiny Committee Annual Report 2022-23
- Health & Social Services Scrutiny Committee Annual Report 2023-24
In addition, a Scrutiny Function Annual Report is produced every year which provides an overview of the Council's scrutiny function and the work undertaken by the respective Scrutiny Committees during the previous municipal year. The latest report is available below.
The involvement of local residents, community organisations and partners is an important part of the Carmarthenshire scrutiny process and our Councillors are committed to responding to the views and concerns of residents.
Getting involved in scrutiny is one of the best ways to influence decision making at the Council, as Councillors will hear your experiences first hand. There are a number of ways you can get involved in the work of scrutiny at the council:
- Attending a Scrutiny meeting
- Keeping up-to-date with what's happening in scrutiny
- Suggesting a topic for review
- Contribute evidence for scrutiny reviews
All scrutiny meetings are open to the public except where exempt information has to be discussed. A list of meeting dates and agenda items can be found on the council's meeting diary. If you would like to attend a meeting simply come along to the meeting venue (stated on the front of the agenda).
Scrutiny provides the opportunity for the public to become involved in the Council's activities. You can request that an item be placed on the agenda and if you are a resident of Carmarthenshire or own a business or are employed within Carmarthenshire you may ask questions at Scrutiny meetings. Further information is included in our Scrutiny Procedure Rules 10. (3) and (4) or contact us for further information.
Keeping up-to-date with what's happening in Scrutiny
There are a number of ways you can keep up to date with what is happening in Scrutiny, you can:-
- Subscribe to RSS feed on our website which will automatically update you when agendas and minutes are published. RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication" and is an easy way to keep updated on Scrutiny Committee work. The subscribe button is at the top of this page.
- Download the gov app which will allow you to automatically download and view meeting paper
- Check our Facebook and Twitter feeds for regular updates.
Suggesting a topic for review
If you think there is an issue that scrutiny should look at, then let us know. You can suggest a topic for review by emailing us, or by downloading and posting our topic suggestion form.
Contribute evidence for Scrutiny reviews
When undertaking in scrutiny work, especially in depth reviews, Councillors hope to receive a wide-range of evidence from a number of sources. Submitting evidence will help ensure that your voice is heard and that the Councillors make recommendations that will improve the services from a user's perspective. If you are interested in any issues and would like to submit evidence please contact us:
Democratic Services Unit, Carmarthenshire County Council, County Hall, Carmarthen, SA31 1JP
Tel: 01267 224028 | E-mail:
Council & Democracy
The Council
Councillors, AMs and MPs
- Your County Councillor
- Public Participation Strategy and Petition Scheme
- Councillor allowances and interests
- Town & Community Councillors
- Members of Welsh Parliament
- Members of Parliament
- Become a Councillor
Council departments
Have your say
- Draft Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy Public Consultation
- Draft Allotment and Community Growing Strategy Public Consultation
- Budget Consultation 2025
- Llandovery Active Travel Improvements
- Carmarthenshire County Council Play Survey 2024
- A Community Transport Strategy for Carmarthenshire
- Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance: Carmarthenshire Shopfront Design Guide
- Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance: Conservation Areas: An Essential Guide to their Enhancement
- Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance: Appropriate Repair, Maintenance and Energy Efficiency in Traditional Buildings: Guidance for Sustainability
- Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance: Methodology for Determining Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs) in Carmarthenshire
- Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance: Open Space
- Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance: Welsh Language
- Additional Licensing Scheme for HMOs
- Active Travel Carmarthen
- Llanelli Active Travel Engagement
- Gambling Policy Review
- Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2024-2030
- Modernising Education Programme Strategy
- Social Housing Allocations policy
- Allotment and Community Growing Survey
- Habitats Regulations Assessment for the 2nd Deposit Revised Local Development Plan 2018-2033
- Integrated Sustainability Appraisal for the 2nd Deposit Revised Local Development Plan 2018-2033
- STAR Tenant Satisfaction Survey
- Carmarthenshire Residents Survey 2023
- Primary Rising 4s Policy 2025/26 Consultation
- Budget Consultation 2024
- Tumble Active Travel Masterplan Scheme
- Shaping Digital Carmarthenshire
- Leisure Strategy 2023-33 community consultation
- 20mph Speed limits
- Actif Places Consultation
- Strategic environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment
- Carmarthenshire Residents Survey 2024
- Licensing of Dog Breeding in Carmarthenshire
- Charging policy for social care services
Committees & Meetings
- Agendas and minutes
- Governance & Audit Committee
- Council Diary
- Democratic Services Committee
- Cabinet
- Officer decisions
- Forward Plans
- Planning Committee
- Scrutiny
- Standards Committee
- Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE)
Strategies and plans
The Council Budget
Council Budget
- Budget Digest
- Statement of accounts
- Dyfed Pension Fund
- Education through regional working (ERW)
- Swansea Bay City Deal
- Simple ways to save the Council money
Council Performance
- Performance Management
- Audit Inspections & Reports
- The Well-being of Future Generations Act
- Council's Annual Report 2023-24
Public notices
Brexit guidance
Welsh Language
Climate Action Carmarthenshire
- What are we doing?
- What is the Welsh Government doing?
- Climate Change
- What can we do?
- Why take action?
- Save money on energy bills
- Reduce carbon emissions
- Enhance property value
- Promote health and community well-being
- Green travel choices
- Green daily choices
- Green food choices
Equality & Diversity
Armed Forces Covenant
Elections & Voting
- UK Parliamentary General Election
- Police and Crime Commissioner Elections 2024
- Senedd Elections 2026
- Voting
- Eligibility to vote
- How do I vote?
- Changes to Postal and Proxy Voting
- Register to vote
- Update your details on the Electoral Register
- How to opt-out of the open register
- Viewing the Electoral Register
- By-elections
- My nearest - Election information
- Help for Disabled Voters
- Voter ID
- Notice of Vacancy
- Recruitment for elections
- Community Review - Llanboidy and Whitland Community Council Areas