Welsh Language Promotion Strategy

The 'Strategy to promote the Welsh Language in Carmarthenshire 2023-28' sets out what needs to be done to restore the Welsh language in the county by increasing the numbers of those who can speak Welsh, increasing the situations where people can speak Welsh, raising the status of the language, supporting communities to maintain the language and by having a positive effect on population movements. The formulation of the Strategy is a requirement under the ‘Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011’ and incorporates and develops the work undertaken by the council in response to the disappointing results of the 2011 Census, through 'The Welsh language in Carmarthenshire'. The Strategy has been produced by the 19 organisations that are members of the Carmarthenshire Welsh Language Strategic Forum, and the Strategy has an Action Plan which is updated quarterly for the county strategic forum meetings.

The Welsh Language in Carmarthenshire

As a result of a fall in the number of Welsh speakers in Carmarthenshire which came to light in the 2011 Census results, a report was produced by a task and finish group of elected members. Y Gymraeg yn sir Gâr included a series of recommendations on how to improve the situation of the language in the county. These recommendations have now been incorporated in the Welsh Language promotion strategy.

Read the Welsh Language Promotion Strategy


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