Welsh Language Standards (Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011) Compliance Notice

This compliance notice sets out what Carmarthenshire County Council must provide and implement to ensure that it does not treat the Welsh language less favourably than the English language. It contains 174 instructions on how the Council will deliver Welsh Language services, formulate policy in a way that promotes the Welsh language, operate through the medium of Welsh, promote the Welsh Language and keep records about the Welsh language. The public have a right to complain if they feel that the council is not complying with the Standards, and the Council produces an Annual Action Plan and Report to provide information on that compliance.

If you would like to make a complaint relating to the council’s compliance with the Welsh Language Standards or a failure on the council’s part to provide a bilingual service, please use the council's complaints procedure on our Complaints and Compliments page.

You also have a right to direct any complaints relating to the Welsh language to the Welsh Language Commissioner.


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