Tyisha is changing - Looking for a development partner

5. Regenerating Tyisha

The site at the heart of these plans is made up of council owned land spanning through Station Road and branching onto other neighbouring streets.

The development partner will focus on 4 key sites which are made up of vacant land and derelict buildings which have potential for redevelopment or new builds. As the project expands there may also be potential for further redevelopment at other areas within the ward.

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We are seeking a partner to help us deliver this exciting project.


Our Vision

The project must develop and deliver a mix of house types and tenures such as affordable housing (shared ownership), occupier owned and social housing consisting of mainly 2 and 3 bedroom homes. This will need to be take into consideration the demographic profile of the area and will need to blend aesthetically to neighbouring properties. We will also want to implement letting policies and restrictions on resales.

We also want to build on our vision of how we can create a better place to live by improving the general environment through landscaping and tree planting suitable waste provisions, storage and making the developments and areas sustainable for the future.

We are also working closely with the Town Council and others to improve local transport links and the traffic flow. This is central to our plans to ensure the connectivity of Tyisha. The development will need to link to new existing cycle routes and ensure there is consideration for sufficient parking to reduce congestion. The development will need to be designed out carefully to reduce crime and antisocial behaviour and create more community resilience and cohesion.

Plans should take into consideration the area’s heritage including the old Lakefield school and Copperworks school site. Copperworks was the first primary school in Llanelli and also the site of the first Welsh medium school in the area. Consideration should also be given to potential improved access to the train station (on the Fishguard to London main line) as well as investment into a local community hub that will help residents access employment and education opportunities as well as health and wellbeing.

We are also looking to introduce a new targeting acquisition programme for the area targeting strategic sites and areas as well as a selective licensing scheme for landlords to ensure that private rented accommodation also improves in line with the new developments.

Any partner would need to apply the current available housing need information to balance the housing requirements for the area and financial viability of the overall scheme.