Approval of food premises
Page updated on: 19/10/2024
Under EC legislation your food business may require approval if you intend to use unprocessed products of animal origin, for example, fresh meat, raw minced meat, raw milk or eggs. This includes:
- Minced meat and meat preparations
- Meat products and mechanically separated meat
- Live bi-valve molluscs and fishery products
- Raw milk (other than raw cow’s milk)
- Dairy products
- Eggs (not primary production)
- Egg products
- Frog legs and snails
- Rendered animal fats and greaves
- Treated stomachs, bladders and intestines
- Gelatine and collagen
- Certain cold stores and wholesale markets
You cannot operate your food establishment until it has been approved. The approval process requires that you put in place procedures to manage food safety based upon Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles.
The HACCP documents will make up part of your food safety management system which should be tailored to fit your business and should be simple and appropriate to the scale and type of production you intend to carry out.
Download and complete the application form and return it to us. There is no fee for the approval of a food business.
Tacit consent does not apply. We are required to give the food business operator an approval code and to notify the Food Standards Agency of the approval code and details of the establishment to be approved. Approval Codes will only be issued and the establishment approved only when the food business complies with all prescribed requirements.
The following documents must be submitted with your application:
- A detailed scale plan of the (proposed) establishment showing the location of rooms and other areas to be used for the storage and processing of raw materials, product and waste, and the layout of facilities and equipment.
- Descriptions of the (proposed):
- Food safety management system based on HACCP principles
- Establishment and equipment maintenance arrangements
- Establishment, equipment and transport cleaning arrangements
- Waste collection and disposal arrangements
- Water supply
- Water supply quality testing arrangements
- Arrangements for product testing
- Pest control arrangements
- Monitoring arrangements for staff health
- Staff hygiene training arrangements
- Arrangements for record keeping
- Arrangements for applying the identification mark to product packaging or wrapping
We will seek to determine applications for approvals as quickly as possible. However, approval can only be granted following the correct submission of an application form together with other relevant documents, e.g. HACCP plan.
It is necessary for us to carry out a detailed inspection of the premises before approval is granted. It may be necessary for an officer to request further information before approval is granted.
Please contact us if you have not been contacted within 28 days of submitting an application.
If you are aggrieved by our decision, you may appeal to a Magistrates Court within 28 days of a decision being made. If you are aggrieved by a decision of the Magistrates Court you can appeal to Crown Court. In certain circumstances you have the right to seek a judicial review.
Exemptions are detailed in the Food Law Code of Practice Wales and are based on the premises being retail, or supplying other retailers on a marginal, localised and restricted basis.