Cabinet Vision Statement 2022 - 2027 (July 2022)


  • Invest in quality housing, providing a sustainable boost to economic growth and support the principle that everyone should be able to live and work in the communities of their upbringing.
  • Deliver mixed tenure homes, consisting of homes for social rent, low-cost home ownership and open market sales, creating balanced, strong, resilient communities.
  • Recognise the needs of our diverse communities, ensuring that the right homes are built in the right places. These will include single person accommodation, family sized houses, bungalows, and apartments.
  • Provide affordable homes for young and working aged people to help them remain in the county and benefit from the additional jobs created. This will help maintain culture and identity especially in rural towns and villages.
  • Aid town centre regeneration by providing mixed tenure housing in our town centres.
  • Focus on developing increasingly sustainable and efficient housing with stock future proofed and retrofitted to tackle Climate Change and rising energy costs.
  • Lobby Welsh Government for a solution to phosphate regulations which are currently obstructing the building of affordable and open market homes.
  • Consider the greater use of the additional powers afforded by Welsh Government to tackle the second homes crisis.
  • Work with Welsh Government to deliver a system of fair rents with a view to making the private rental market affordable for local people on local incomes and new approaches to making homes affordable.
  • Continue to work with key partners to end homelessness.
  • Reduce the number of council house voids and empty properties across the county creating more homes for local people.