Corporate Strategy 2022-2027
In this section
- Well-being Objective 3
- Well-being Objective 4
- Core Business Enablers
- How will we measure progress?
- Appendices
How will we measure progress?
The Council’s Performance Management Framework sets out our approach to managing and monitoring performance against our Corporate Strategy and well-being objectives.
The specific actions and measures for how we will make progress against our Corporate Strategy and well-being objectives will be outlined within detailed delivery plans for the thematic and service priorities which will also recognise the work of the core business enablers. These delivery plans will be developed with the life cycle of this Corporate Strategy until 2027 in mind and will be reviewed and updated annually.
On-going performance management will be undertaken through quarterly performance monitoring reports to the Corporate Management Team, Cabinet and Scrutiny which will be aided with a corporate performance data suite.
An Annual Report on Council performance will be prepared in order to keep under review the extent to which:
- we are exercising our functions effectively;
- we are using our resources economically, efficiently and effectively;
- our governance is effective for securing this.
This will be developed through a self assessment approach alongside effective use of data, information and intelligence in order to inform and further develop our delivery plans and ways of working.
We will also consult and engage with a range of stakeholders on our performance including residents, businesses, Council staff, organisations and trade unions in order to inform our self-assessment.