Corporate Strategy 2022-2027


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    The general purpose of the Act is to ensure that the service planning and governance arrangements of public bodies focuses on improving the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales whilst taking the needs of future generations into account, in line with the sustainable development principle.

    The Act provides a shared vision for all public bodies in Wales to work towards.

    The Act states that:

    a) We must carry out and embed the sustainable development principle in all that we do. The Council must act in a manner which seeks to ensure that the needs of the present are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
    b) We must set and publish Well-being Objectives for the Council that maximise our contribution to the 7 National Wellbeing Goals.
    c) We must demonstrate that we are giving due consideration to the 5 ways of working in all that we do. The 5 ways of working focus on long-term thinking, integration, involvement, collaboration and prevention.

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    7 National Well-Being Goals

    Well-being Objectives Prosperity Resilience Healthier More Equal Cohesive Communities Vibrant Culture and Welsh Language Global Responsibility
    Enabling our children and young people to have the best possible start in life (Start Well)
    Enabling our residents to live and age well (Live & Age Well)
    Enabling our communities and environment to be healthy, safe and prosperous (Prosperous communities)
    4. To further modernise and develop as a resilient and efficient Council (Our Council)
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    We welcome our duties under the Well-being of Future Generations Act. We have already addressed much of the Act’s requirements but recognise that we can do more.

    1. We feel that our Well-being Objectives contribute significantly to the achievement of the National Well-being Goals. Our Well-being Objectives relate to different aspects of life’s course and focuses on the areas that we can influence and shape in order to improve well-being in a systematic way.
    2. These Well-being Objectives have been identified following consultation and feedback with a range of stakeholders and developed alongside a basket of different sources of information focusing on the needs of our population, performance data and regulatory feedback. In developing delivery plans to achieve these objectives we will involve all relevant stakeholders with an interest in achieving them.
    3. The steps we take to achieve the Well-being Objectives (through our delivery plans) will look to ensure that the 5 ways of working (long term, preventative, integrated, collaborative and involvement) are fully embraced and embedded in the way that we deliver.
    4. Each Cabinet portfolio holder/s will have defined accountability for their relevant Well-being Objectives.
    5. To ensure that we deliver the steps for each Well-being Objective we will ​implement our Performance Management Framework. All the delivery plans will be monitored and reported on a quarterly basis to Departmental Management Teams, Corporate Management Team and Cabinet. In addition, progress will be reported to Scrutiny Committees. The Council will prepare an Annual Report on its Well-being Objectives and revise the objectives if required.
    6. The content of delivery plans to achieve the Well-being Objectives will need to be adequately resourced. To achieve these objectives services will integrate and collaborate with partners and fully involve citizens in all their diversity.
    7. Our Objectives are long term, but our delivery plans will include milestones that will enable monitoring and assurance of progress.
    8. To ensure that our Well-being Objectives are deliverable and that the expectations of the Act are embraced we will adapt financial planning, asset management, risk assessment, performance management and scrutiny arrangements.
    9. The requirements of the Local Government and Elections Act 2021 Governance and Performance requirements will also be embedded within this approach.