What we will deliver

Our Digital Strategy has 5 key priority areas.

We will deliver the following work over the next 3 years, under each of the 5 key priority areas, all of which align to our local and national well-being goals.

To ensure ongoing alignment and flexibility, each priority is fixed for the first year with an annual review undertaken throughout the lifetime of the strategy for remaining future years.

Priority Area 1: Digital Services

Priority Area 2: People & Skills

Priority Area 3: Data & Decision Making

Priority Area 4: Technology & Innovation

Priority Area 5: Digital Communities & Economy



Priority Area 1: Digital Services

What it means?

  • High-quality user-friendly online services and information for residents, colleagues, and partners.
  • Increased access to digital services that are bilingual and user centric.
  • Providing personalised digital services designed around the ongoing needs of customers.
  • Focusing on digital accessibility and inclusivity to supports all user’s needs.

Why is it Important?

  • To ensure we deliver excellent online services and information for customer.
  • To meet customer demand and respond to rising and evolving customer expectations.
  • To improve customer engagement with access to personalised information and services.
  • To ensure access to online services at the customers convenience; ‘anytime, anywhere’ from any device.

How will we achieve this?

  • By continuously improving the way we design and build online systems and processes, putting the users’ needs and experience at the heart of our work.
  • By modernising digital service delivery using appropriate and innovative technology.
  • By ensuring accessibility of information and services on all mobile devices.
  • By continuing to develop our understanding of customers preferred digital channels of communication and interaction.
  • By ensuring robust information security to protect our customers data and identity.
  • By ensuring we meet and exceed current accessibility guidelines and standards.
  • Through the adoption of, and adherence to the Digital Service Standards for Wales wherever possible
Title What we will deliver Key outcomes 24/25 25/26 26/27
Website and HWB My Account Continued development of the Council Website and HWB My Account for our customers. Delivery of council services through one central, personalised point of access, available 24/7 which is simple to use, accessible and inclusive. To be delivered in 2024/2025    
Transactional Digital Services Continued design and development of online transactional digital services for customers. Increased provision of online services for customers with greater end-toend integration and automation. To be delivered in 2024/2025 To be delivered in 2025/2026 To be delivered in 2026/2026
Elected Members Portal Implement and further develop an on-line Elected Members Portal. 24/7 Self-Service access for elected members to a range of digital services, to assist our members and residents. To be delivered in 2024/2025    
Customer Services Digital Roadmap Review, develop and implement a Digital roadmap for customer services and contact centre. A future proofed, customer focused, and accessible digital experience via our customer services. To be delivered in 2024/2025    
Elections and Democracy Comprehensive digital support for elections and democracy through resilient and innovative technologies and robust cybersecurity. Secure, transparent, and efficient elections, facilitated by the most appropriate, innovative, and secure technologies. To be delivered in 2024/2025 To be delivered in 2025/2026 To be delivered in 2026/2026
Digital Support Service A comprehensive digital support service and helpdesk for all corporate, schools and partner customers. A proactive, efficient, and effective digital support service that’s capable of supporting 21st century public service delivery. To be delivered in 2024/2025 To be delivered in 2025/2026 To be delivered in 2026/2026
Delta Wellbeing A comprehensive digital support and development package, via a formal SLA, for Delta Wellbeing A resilient and reliable technology provision, advice, guidance, and outof- hours support package for Delta Wellbeing To be delivered in 2024/2025    
Digital Schools Support A comprehensive support package via a formal SLA for all Primary and Secondary Schools 21st century digital support provision for the young people, staff and schools of Carmarthenshire. To be delivered in 2024/2025    
Strategic Engagement A comprehensive programme of strategic engagement across all corporate departments, schools, elected members, and partners. A strong understanding of the digital needs and aspirations of our leaders, colleagues, and partners, implementing appropriate solutions to ensure effective public services. To be delivered in 2024/2025 To be delivered in 2025/2026 To be delivered in 2026/2026


Priority Area 2: People & Skills

What it means?

  • Prioritising our colleagues by investing in their digital skills and capabilities.
  • Valuing, recognizing, and investing in the necessary talents and skills required to succeed.
  • Optimising our workforce through the cultivation of modern working practices.
  • Being responsive to the needs of our people and services, enabling new ways of working.
  • Developing the skills and capacity of the Council regarding data collection and analysis.

Why is it Important?

  • Appropriate skills and capability to achieve key organisational aims and objectives.
  • Appropriate skills and capacity to effectively operate as a data-driven organisation.
  • Improve Digital confidence, culture, and leadership across the organisation.
  • Ensure continuous improvement in workplace productivity and capability.
  • Support efficiencies and increased productivity through better ways of working.
  • Help ensure a healthy and mutually beneficial work life balance for our work force.
  • Attract the necessary talent to sustain and enhance our workforce.

How will we achieve this?

  • Recognising that quality Digital services and provision is primarily about people.
  • Consistently and clearly communicate the importance of Digital skills and capability.
  • Encourage and support our people to continuously develop their skills, capability and confidence.
  • Consistently consider digital skills and capability needs when designing and delivering services.
  • Integrating key policies and strategies with Digital ambitions.
  • Ensuring our people have access to appropriate technology, systems, data, and information.
Title What we will deliver Key outcomes 24/25 25/26 26/27
Digital Skills Audit A digital skills audit to identify the current and future knowledge and skills needs of our workforce on an ongoing basis. An improved ability to attract, recruit, and retain talent. Demonstrating to our people that we value them by supporting them to develop the skills required for jobs of the future. To be delivered in 2024/2025    
Digital Learning and Development An enhanced digital learning and development offer for our staff, ensuring appropriate learning can be accessed from a range of devices and settings. An improved skills offer to our people that will help us transform, modernise, and regenerate services. To be delivered in 2024/2025 To be delivered in 2025/2026 To be delivered in 2026/2026
Shared Learning Resources Well-developed, and shared learning resources to support digital inclusion across our workforce. Improved workforce engagement and inclusivity, and a workforce that’s digitally confident. To be delivered in 2024/2025    
Digital Skills Framework Implement our new Digital Skills Framework. A high performance, innovative, and achievement culture. A workforce that has the skills, knowledge, and mindset to use technology effectively and efficiently in their work. To be delivered in 2024/2025 To be delivered in 2025/2026 To be delivered in 2026/2026
Learning Management System (LMS) Implement, develop, and exploit a new Learning Management System (LMS). An improved learning ecosystem that provides our people with engaging, personalised learning content and pathways and supports workforce planning. To be delivered in 2024/2025 To be delivered in 2025/2026  
Digital Mentors Identify, train, and support digital mentors across the authority on an ongoing basis who will play a vital role in promoting digital literacy and fostering a digitally inclusive environment. Peer-to-peer support for our people in a digital workplace. Improved digital skills. Guidance to ensure colleagues feel empowered and confident. Improved sharing of knowledge. To be delivered in 2024/2025    
Digital Services Workforce Plan Deliver a comprehensive annual workforce plan for developing and enhancing the technical and non-technical skills of our Digital Services workforce. Ensure Digital Services possess the technical and non-technical capabilities to deliver on the Councils strategic objectives in a constantly evolving landscape. To be delivered in 2024/2025    


Priority Area 3: Data & Decision Making

What it means?

  • Embedding a culture of truly valuing data at all levels of the organisation and across all departments.
  • Ensuring that the varying breadth of information and data available to us an organisation is considered in a holistic way to inform decision making.
  • Improved information and data sharing internally across the organisation, and externally with partners and stakeholder.
  • Exploring the viability of sharing ‘open-source data’ to support transparency.
  • Innovative and transformative use of data via machine Learning and artificial intelligence.

Why is it Important?

  • Ensures that data and information is collected, stored, analysed, and visualised in a way that maximises its potential for the benefit of the organisation and the County as a whole.
  • Ensures that information and data available to us is robust, relevant, and timely allowing decisions to be made based on evidence.
  • Simplifies the way that we share data with other organisations and partners making everyone feel like part of a single team working on common objectives.

How will we achieve this?

  • Through effective information management and ensuring appropriate data sharing arrangements are in place with all organisations and partners.
  • By fully exploiting new technologies and ways of working including open-data / open-source solutions.
  • Developing a corporate consistency in the way that we collect and record data, thereby reducing the existence of several disparate data sets for the preference of having a single consolidated version of the truth that users can be confident in.
  • By utilising emerging and innovative technology for data collection, storage, analysis, and visualisation to improve decision making.
  • Ensure efficient hosting and management of data, systems, and services on appropriate platforms.
Title What we will deliver Key outcomes 24/25 25/26 26/27
Information Governance A robust and comprehensive annual Information Governance work programme, including fulfilling our statutory obligations under the Data Protection Act and ensuring we are up to date with revisions in law being introduced in the UK. We will ensure the Council’s data and information assets are effectively managed, protected, and utilised to achieve strategic goals and empower data-driven decision-making. To be delivered in 2024/2025  To be delivered in 2025/2026  To be delivered in 2026/2027
Corporate Data Suite Develop and embed a comprehensive Corporate Data Suite. Provide senior decision makers with a comprehensive data suite and access to a wealth of centralised data sets using robust analytics and reporting tools. To be delivered in 2024/2025  To be delivered in 2025/2026  
Customer Information and Data Exploration of an integrated data solution for customer information and data The creation of a ‘single point of truth’ for customer data allowing for seamless interrogation. To be delivered in 2024/2025  To be delivered in 2025/2026  
PowerBI Business Intelligence Further adoption and exploitation of Power BI Business Intelligence platform across the organisation. Enable the council and service departments to better understand and analyse our data to help improve decision making. To be delivered in 2024/2025  To be delivered in 2025/2026 To be delivered in 2026/2027
Data Storage and Collaboration Platform Deploy, develop, and exploit SharePoint across all service areas. A Consistent information sharing and collaboration platform with advanced record management, data retention and classification capabilities. To be delivered in 2024/2025  To be delivered in 2025/2026  
Digital and Data Maturity Self- Assessments Digital and Data maturity selfassessments via the annual corporate selfassessment process for all departments and service areas. Data and evidence to assist in identifying areas of the organisation requiring support and change to improve service delivery and drive efficiencies through digital, data and technology. To be delivered in 2024/2025    

Priority Area 4: Technology & Innovation

What it means?

  • Investing in innovative, resilient, and agile devices, infrastructure, and systems.
  • Driving and facilitating efficiency through technology and innovation.
  • Supporting collaboration with partners and stakeholders.
  • Ensuring robust cyber resilience via the most advanced systems available.
  • Responsibly and ethically embracing artificial intelligence, automation, and emerging tech.
  • Underpinning the delivery of quality public services with innovative and appropriate technology.

Why is it Important?

  • Improves customer experience and back-office functions through innovative solutions.
  • Positions innovation as a catalyst for customer-centric focus in departments.
  • Offers flexibility, rapid deployment, and efficient and scalable services.
  • Supports secure remote work, allowing staff to work from various platforms and locations.
  • Data and voice network connectivity is critical in delivering modern public services.
  • Recognises the criticality and strategic value of our infrastructure, systems, and connectivity.

How will we achieve this?

  • Replacing and updating outdated legacy systems, infrastructure, and devices.
  • Consolidating servers, storage, and applications for improved performance.
  • Embracing a cloud first approach where it can enhance resilience, efficiency, and value.
  • Virtualising and consolidating voice systems for enhanced functionality and cost efficiencies.
  • Optimising collaboration and shared services via connectivity to Public Sector Networks.
  • Ensure fast, safe, resilient internet connectivity for corporate, schools, and partners.
  • Integrate customer and service user data to minimise duplication and streamline records.
  • Invest in cybersecurity technologies to prevent attacks on Council information.
  • Thoroughly test business continuity and disaster recovery procedures
Title What we will deliver Key outcomes 24/25 25/26 26/27
Artificial Intelligence Strategy A comprehensive Artificial Intelligence strategy and action plan. A clear and considered approach towards safely and responsibly adopting Artificial Intelligence capability, where it is appropriate and valuable to do so. To be delivered in 2024/2025    
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Develop and implement RPA across key services, as identified and prioritised via our transformation programme. Streamlined processes and significantly improved customer experience by reducing the time and resource requirements for repetitive, resource intensive tasks. To be delivered in 2024/2025 To be delivered in 2025/2026  
Cloud Hosted Systems Coordinate and facilitate the migration of business-critical applications and systems to cloud hosted environments (where appropriate) Greater resilience, accessibility, performance and integration for key corporate and departmental systems and applications. To be delivered in 2024/2025 To be delivered in 2025/2026 To be delivered in 2026/2027
Cyber Resilience & Response A comprehensive and robust annual cyber resilience and response programme. Strong cybersecurity standards, measures, policies, procedures, and technologies, continuously strengthening our approach to safeguarding the organisation. To be delivered in 2024/2025 To be delivered in 2025/2026 To be delivered in 2026/2027
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery A comprehensive programme of work to ensure strong business continuity and disaster recovery plans, and robust and frequent testing and mock exercise for all business-critical infrastructure, systems, and services. Continuously improved business continuity and disaster recovery plans. An enhanced ability to sustain critical service delivery in the event of an outage and recover effectively and efficiently. To be delivered in 2024/2025 To be delivered in 2025/2026 To be delivered in 2026/2027
Corporate Infrastructure, Systems, and Services A comprehensive plan to replace and enhance the organisation’s operational infrastructure, systems, and services including servers, storage, compute, backup and all relevant management systems. Scalable, reliable, and secure infrastructure, systems, and services to meet the growing demands of a modern, capable and digitally sophisticated organisation. To be delivered in 2024/2025 To be delivered in 2025/2026 To be delivered in 2026/2027
Schools Infrastructure & Technology Invest in the infrastructure and technology of our schools, including oversight and delivery of Welsh Government funded HWB In-School Infrastructure Grant and HWB Sustainability Scheme. 21st century digital infrastructure and technology to underpin education provision for the young people of Carmarthenshire. To be delivered in 2024/2025 To be delivered in 2025/2026 To be delivered in 2026/2027
Networks & Connectivity A comprehensive programme to enhance and develop our data and voice network capabilities across our corporate and school environments. Exceptional connectivity provides the foundation for communication, collaboration, access to information, innovation, and technology adoption. To be delivered in 2024/2025 To be delivered in 2025/2026 To be delivered in 2026/2027
End User Devices Continuously support, sustain, and upgrade our significant laptop, desktop, tablet and smartphone estate. A workforce equipped with the most appropriate and effective devices, with efficient access to back-office data and systems and an enhanced ability to work in a hybrid way. To be delivered in 2024/2025 To be delivered in 2025/2026 To be delivered in 2026/2027
Voice Technology Further develop and invest in our voice technology, continuing our migration away from traditional telephony to an integrated ‘softphone’ environment that’s conducive to an agile, 21st century workforce. Resilient and agile voice communication platforms that facilitate collaboration and hybrid working. To be delivered in 2024/2025 To be delivered in 2025/2026 To be delivered in 2026/2027
Building Rationalisation Resource and fully support the council’s building rationalisation programme. Comprehensive and realigned technology provision at existing sites, and safely and thoroughly decommissioned sites that are being vacated. To be delivered in 2024/2025    
Modernising Education programme A state-of-the-art Digital fabric at all new school builds and refurbishments including connectivity, infrastructure, systems, and services. Nursery, primary and secondary schools that are fully equipped to meet current and future education needs. To be delivered in 2024/2025 To be delivered in 2025/2026 To be delivered in 2026/2027


Priority Area 5: Digital Communities & Economy

What it means?

  • Improving the fibre and mobile connectivity of our County.
  • Helping to drive awareness, understanding and adoption of fast broadband and mobile.
  • Supporting the Digital skills & inclusion of our residents and businesses.
  • Collaborating with private and public sector for the benefit of our residents and businesses.
  • Supporting residents to exploit the latest digital technology to improve their lives.
  • Encouraging businesses to make use of emerging technologies to accelerate productivity.

Why is it Important?

  • Our children deserve to live in digitally enabled and informed communities and have the latest technologies available to give them the best possible start in life.
  • Every resident of Carmarthenshire should have the ability to access on-line services that can be used to improve their wellbeing.
  • Businesses should be encouraged and supported to invest in the County, supporting the local economy and attracting sustainable employment.
  • Businesses should have the opportunity and support to innovate and exploit new opportunities.
  • Our commercial buildings and assets should have the necessary future proofed infrastructure, facilities and capabilities to thrive.
  • Encouraging businesses to make use of emerging technologies to accelerate productivity.

How will we achieve this?

  • Building effective relationships with, and working alongside key public, private and third sector partners on Digital across Carmarthenshire.
  • Considering the Digital needs of residents, businesses, projects, and partners across all our significant regeneration and economic development activity.
  • Consistently recognising and leveraging our significant influence and capability as a local authority to contribute to the Digital infrastructure, skills, and investment of our County.
  • Accessing funding to develop sustainable Digital activities in Carmarthenshire wherever possible.
Title What we will deliver Key outcomes 24/25 25/26 26/27
Pentre Awel A state-of-the-art Digital fabric at Pentre Awel including all relevant connectivity, infrastructure, systems, and services. A world class development with the appropriate Digital capabilities to fully deliver its objectives. To be delivered in 2024/2025 To be delivered in 2025/2026 To be delivered in 2026/2027
Carmarthen HWB A state-of-the-art Digital fabric at the new Carmarthen HWB including all relevant connectivity, infrastructure, systems, and services. A town centre facility with the appropriate Digital capabilities to ensure it delivers its objectives. To be delivered in 2024/2025 To be delivered in 2025/2026  
Llanelli Town Centre levelling up Support, advice, and resources to ensure all relevant and necessary technology is utilised and implemented at our Llanelli Town Centre investment project. A town centre regeneration scheme with the necessary future proofed Digital capabilities to ensure it’s success. To be delivered in 2024/2025    
Towy Valley Path Support, advice, and resources to ensure all relevant and necessary technology is utilised and implemented on the new Towy Valley Path. A 21st century attraction in the heart of the Towy valley that’s willing and able to embrace Digital developments to enhance the visitor experience. To be delivered in 2024/2025    
Commercial assets Digital support and investment at our flagship commercial assets including Pembrey Country Park, Pendine Tourism Attractor, Llandeilo Market Hall, Town Centre Markets, and the Beacon Centre for Enterprise. Commercial assets that are fully equipped to deliver on the needs of our business tenants, partners, customers and visitors. To be delivered in 2024/2025 To be delivered in 2025/2026 To be delivered in 2026/2027
Shared Prosperity Fund A Digital cross cutting theme within Shared Prosperity funded projects across Carmarthenshire, providing support and expertise wherever necessary.. Grant funding and projects that actively consider and embed Digital needs and thinking within their plans, for the benefit of Carmarthenshire. To be delivered in 2024/2025 To be delivered in 2025/2026  
Smart Towns Work with all interested partners, stakeholders, and businesses to deploy Smart solutions and collect and share data to inform placemaking within our 10 market towns and 3 primary towns. Towns with the confidence and capability to exploit Digital and data to support economic and social prosperity. To be delivered in 2024/2025    
Third, public and private sector Digital skills offering. Work to identify the full 3rd sector, public sector and private sector offering for Digital skills across Carmarthenshire and promote, support, and facilitate wherever possible. An informed County with awareness of and access to a range of Digital skills and inclusion offerings. To be delivered in 2024/2025    
Regional Skills and Talent Programme Lead and deliver the Swansea Bay City Deal Skills and Talent Programme across the region on behalf of all partners and stakeholders. Bespoke education and training solutions which align to the needs of industry and key local and regional themes, including Digital. To be delivered in 2024/2025 To be delivered in 2025/2026 To be delivered in 2026/2027
Regional Digital Infrastructure Programme Lead and deliver the £55 million Digital Infrastructure programme across the Swansea Bay City Region on behalf of all our partners and stakeholders. Better broadband for residents and businesses. A smart region ready and able to innovate and adopt emerging technology. An inclusive digital landscape that meets our needs. To be delivered in 2024/2025 To be delivered in 2025/2026  
Connecting Carmarthenshire (Broadband) Work with public and private sector partners to increase full fibre broadband coverage and reduce nonsuperfast connected premises across Carmarthenshire. Improved connectivity to residential and business premises. Increased equality of access to online services and resources. A reduction in digital exclusion. To be delivered in 2024/2025 To be delivered in 2025/2026  
Connecting Carmarthenshire (Mobile) Work with public and private sector partners to increase coverage of 4/5G mobile connectivity and increased choice of mobile connectivity across Carmarthen. Improved capacity and scope to deliver digital services to everyone, everywhere. More choice and competition for residents and businesses in mobile connectivity. To be delivered in 2024/2025 To be delivered in 2025/2026  
Support Resource for Residents and Businesses Develop Web based support resources for residents and businesses, helping them to achieve better connectivity via relevant funding, schemes, and operators. An online location to share resources, signpost, help and inform. Share and promotes use case studies of the benefits and usage of Digital Connectivity raising awareness of why better connectivity is so important and how it can be used to help customers and businesses across Carmarthenshire. To be delivered in 2024/2025    
Public Switch Telephone Network (PSTN) switch off An educational communications campaign for residents and businesses regarding the UK’s migration from the old analogue public switched telephone network (PSTN) to a fully digital network by 2025. A more informed population who understand what’s happening, why, and any steps they need to take to prepare. To be delivered in 2024/2025 To be delivered in 2025/2026