Volunteering Opportunities for Community Growing

Page updated on: 16/08/2024

Across Carmarthenshire, there is an increasing number of volunteering opportunities available to those wishing to participate in community growing schemes. There is evidence supporting the idea that growing your own produce can have benefits for both people and the planet, whether through improved physical and mental wellbeing or by reducing the number of food miles on our plates.

This resource has been published to highlight the range of volunteering opportunities to grow in your community, rather than promoting specific organisations. Please note this database was created in May 2024.

It is recommended that anyone seeking such opportunities should contact the organisation directly.

The following organisations may be used as a starting point to get involved:

Carmarthenshire Association of Voluntary Services
Connect Carmarthenshire
Incredible Edible Carmarthenshire Facebook Group
lnfoEngine (Wales)
Local Town and Community Councils
Royal Horticultural Society
Social Farms & Gardens
Social Enterprises in Carmarthenshire
Volunteering Wales

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