Warm Hubs

Page updated on: 27/01/2025

Due to limited funding available, we anticipate that this fund will be heavily oversubscribed. Therefore, we will be unable to fund all applications.

The objective of the fund is to support safe and warm places within the local community that people could go to across Carmarthenshire this winter (2024-25). Funding can be utilised to establish / re-establish spaces and add value to those that are already in place supporting the economic, social and well-being of citizens in Carmarthenshire.

These will be more than just warm spaces for these individuals to attend, they will be an inviting place to be and will be open and inclusive and available for all in the community to use and gain support from. They will also provide practical support. These spaces should play a role in facilitating and enabling communities and citizens to reduce poverty and loneliness across Carmarthenshire.

How much can organisations apply for?

Organisations can apply for a maximum of £2,500 and a minimum of £1,000.

Who can apply?

To be eligible for this funding, groups or organisations must:

  • Be based in, and/or represent, serve, and support people in Carmarthenshire.
  • Demonstrate that the proposal is clearly to the direct benefit of the residents and communities of Carmarthenshire.
  • Be a constituted community group or a registered Charity or CIO based in Wales.
  • Town and Community Councils
  • Other entities would be considered where there is no other community facility providing relevant support within the locality.

Eligible costs

Revenue costs – examples include:

  • Staffing – staff costs for the provision of additional hours worked at warm hub
  • Volunteer expenses e.g travel
  • Activities and Materials e.g games, books, craft sessions
  • Overheads e.g heating, electricity – costs for the provision of additional hours warm hub will be open and running – this will be capped at a flat rate of £50 per day.
  • Refreshments e.g hot beverages, snacks – this will be capped at maximum £300 to spend over 3 month period.


  1. Deadline to submit – 12pm on 27 January 2025
  2. Decisions week commencing 3 February 2025
  3. Activities must be completed and paid for by 31 March 2025
  4. Final claim to be submitted by 14 April 2025


Applicants should contact the Bureau on 01269 590216 or alternatively via e-mail bureau@carmarthenshire.gov.uk to register your project and request an application form.

If you are a Warm Hub and would like to promote your space/events, please fill in our our online form.