Temporary Oversail Applications
Page updated on: 23/10/2024
You should apply to us for a permit if you wish to use a crane, scissor lift, cherry picker or similar, on or over the public highway.
Guidance Notes
- Permits will not be issued if the placing of the apparatus on the highway infringes a parking restriction or contravenes any provision of the Highways Act 1980.
- The cost of a permit is £132 per calendar month or part thereof (valid until 31st March 2025).
- The Company named shall indemnify the Council against all actions, proceedings, claims and liability howsoever arising and will require public liability insurance of at least £10 million. The authority will require a copy of the current certificate to be kept on file. A permit will not be issued without proof of insurance.
- Authority is given to place such traffic signs on the highway as are required under the Safety at Street Works and Road Works Code of Practice.
- Attention is drawn to British Standard 7121: Lifting Operations & Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 which must be considered at all times of operation.