Financially Ready

Page updated on: 03/10/2024



Universal Credit (UC) is the benefit that most people are now entitled to. However, if you have a current Housing Benefit claim with Carmarthenshire County Council, you may be able to remain on this benefit.
Universal Credit is made up of different elements that you are entitled to, such as your personal element, housing element, child and any disability/illness elements, carers allowance. UC does not include Personal Independence Payment (PIP) or Disability Living Allowance (DLA).
To apply for UC, you will need:

  • A bank account
  • A mobile phone
  • An email address
  • Access to the internet

The application is completed online.
Make sure you apply for the rent element on the day your tenancy starts.
You will need to verify your identity and show a range of documents.
You will be allocated a Work Coach, they will help you set up and sign a work commitment.

If you feel you will struggle to keep to your work commitment plan due to ill health or other reasons, paying for transport to the Job Centre or for an interview, it is important to let your work coach know in advance so they can help. If you fail to stick to your work commitment, you can be sanctioned. This means that you may not receive all of your UC.

A Universal Credit payment will take 5 weeks from submitting your application.
You can apply for an advance of up to 100% of your award as soon as your identity has been verified – this is a loan and must be paid back.
Taking this advance will reduce your monthly payments for up to 12/24 months.

Universal Credit is paid directly into your bank account.
If the housing element (rent money) is paid directly to you, you must use it to pay your rent.
If you think you will be unable to manage your money you can request that the rent goes directly to your landlord instead.