Second Deposit Revised Local Development Plan

Page updated on: 02/07/2024

The Deposit Revised LDP sets out a strategy, vision, strategic and specific policies, proposals and development allocations. The Plan covers the area of Carmarthenshire excluding the National Park. 

The Deposit Revised LDP identifies and allocates land for housing and employment purposes and indicates where these and other uses will be permitted. It also identifies areas where policies designed to protect and enhance the environment from inappropriate developments apply.

The first Deposit Revised LDP was published on 29 January 2020 and the consultation period extended until 27th March 2020. A further consultation period for the Plan was undertaken between 11 September to 2 October 2020. To view this version of the Plan, please click on the “First Deposit Revised LDP” box below.

The Second Revised LDP was published for consultation on 17 February 2023 with the consultation closing on the 14 April 2023.

Representations / comments submitted as part of the consultation on the first Deposit Revised LDP will no longer be considered. Only those submitted as part of the second Deposit will be considered and forwarded to the Inspector. Any previous representations / comments must have been resubmitted as part of consultation on the second Deposit Revised LDP.

Further supporting documents are available as part of the evidence base.

Please click here for guidance notes on using the Interactive Maps

Viewing Representations:

In the Interactive Written Statement: Duly-made representations to the 2nd Deposit Revised LDP can be viewed by clicking on the magnifying glass icon adjacent to the site, issue or policy that you are interested in and a summary of all the comments published will be listed, along with attachments submitted.

Consultation Report – Appendix 12: Contains a summary of the Representations and the responses to them. Hyperlinks are contained within the report which open any submitted attachments. Appendix 12 can be viewed here: Microsoft Word - Appendix 12 - Instructions (

An interactive map can be viewed here of site based representations: Carmarthenshire County Council – Local Plan: 2nd Deposit Revised LDP Reps April 2023 (

