LDP Review Report

Page updated on: 31/08/2023

Following the adoption of the LDP we are required to ensure that its content remains up-to-date, and to make necessary changes where needed.  This reflects the requirements under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, to undertake regular reviews of the LDP’s content.  A key means of doing this is through the Annual Monitoring Reports (AMR) and understanding where the Plan is performing well and where it may not be delivering as intended.

The second AMR 16/17 assessed the LDP’s performance and relevant contextual information and evidence. In conclusion, the AMR recommended that a Review Report on the LDP be prepared. 

The Review Report considered and set out those areas of the LDP which are delivering and performing well, and those areas where changes will be required.  It also set out the requirements for a Revised LDP, and recommend that the Plan be revised.

The content of the Review Report was considered at the meeting of Council on the 10th January 2018 where it was resolved to start the preparation of the Revised LDP 2018 - 2033.

