Draft Charging Policy for Social Care Services
In this section
- Managing property and finances
- Advocacy
- Deferred payments
- Invoicing for charges
- Non-payment of charges and debt
- Deprivation of Assets
- Additional costs (AC) for permanent / temporary admissions to a care home
- Additional costs (AC) for respite/short-term admissions to a care home
- Application of the rules to individual cases
- Reviews and methods of appeal
- Appendix 1 - Variations/adjustments to charges for financially assessed services
- Appendix 2 - Operational rules for commencement and termination of packages of care and support
Application of the rules to individual cases
28. Application of the rules to individual cases
The Director of Communities or their successor will make decisions in individual cases where the legislation allows discretion or is unclear and that he/she may delegate this responsibility to a suitable senior officer as appropriate. In reaching a decision, he/she will endeavour to ensure that the decision is fair and consistent and will result in all persons with care and support needs being treated fairly. Such decisions will not prevent a person with care and support needs from requesting a review of the decision through the appropriate process