Draft Charging Policy for Social Care Services

Treatment of property

18. Treatment of property

Carmarthenshire has further discretion to disregard a main or only home and may do so in the following circumstances:

Where it is occupied by a carer who has given up his/her home to live with a service user for the main purpose of caring for that person

  • and the carer has lived there continuously for a significant period prior to the person’s admission to the care home.
  • And he/she does not own/have an interest in another property or has given up their tenancy if they lived in rented accommodation.
  • The person must be registered with Council Tax as residing at this property.
  • The disregard only applies for the period that the relative or close friend/companion continues to live at the property.

Where a relative as defined in the legislation or a close friend/companion has lived in the home of the person with care and support needs’ home all/for majority of their adult life and does not own any other property.

The disregard only applies for the period that the relative or close friend/companion continues to live at the property.

What constitutes a ‘close friend/companion’ and ‘all or major part of their adult life’ in this paragraph is at the sole discretion of Carmarthenshire County Council