Direct Payments
A Direct Payment is a payment that can be made to people who are eligible to receive community care services from Social Services who would prefer to arrange their own services. Direct Payments make it possible for you to buy the services that you have been assessed as needing, in a way that gives you greater choice and control. Direct Payments also allows for another suitable person to act on your behalf if needed.
You can decide how your needs will be met, by whom and at a time that suits you. Direct Payments can only be spent on services to meet the needs described in your assessment and detailed in your care plan. You can use your Direct Payments to buy community care services such as:
- To help with personal care such as washing, dressing and eating meals
- Practical help and support with activities
- Respite Care
You cannot use Direct Payments for health or housing services. You may be asked to pay part of the cost towards your care. This depends on the type of care or service you are assessed as needing, and may also depend on how much income and savings you have. If you have to pay something, this amount will be the same whether the services are arranged for you by Social Care or whether you choose Direct Payments. You are entitled to a financial assessment, the results of which will determine how much you will be asked to contribute.
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