Disabled parking bay

Page updated on: 18/07/2024

A disabled parking bay marking is a rectangular shaped box that contains the words ANABL/DISABLED together with the associated regulatory sign on the street and is a facility for disabled people.

A disabled parking bay is NOT exclusively for the use of the person that applied for it. The parking bay may be used by any driver displaying a valid blue badge.

If you wish to apply for a disabled parking bay on a Trunk Road i.e. A40  A48  A477  or A483 please contact the South Wales Trunk Road Agency on 0300 123 1213.

To be considered for a disabled parking bay you must meet the following personal criteria:

  • You hold a Blue Badge and are in receipt of the higher rate of the mobility component of Disability Living Allowance (HRMCDLA) / Personal Independence Payment (PIP) which include certain descriptors.
  • You use a wheelchair and the ability to propel the chair outside is reduced to a very short distance.
  • You suffer from substantial and permanent circulatory problems (e.g. absence of lower limbs, spine or central nervous system defects) which result in severely restricted mobility and or permanent reliance of callipers/elbow crutches.

You can also apply if you are responsible for driving a disabled person who holds a blue badge and you live at the same address. However you would only be successful if you have can evidence your own impairment or disability. We would expect an able bodied driver to double park to pick up or set down the disabled passenger and remove the vehicle afterwards.

In addition there has to be:

  • insufficient parking on your street and it must be safe to provide a parking bay.
  • no off-road parking available to you such as an accessible garage or area of hard standing.
  • a location for the bay to pick up/set down within 25 meters of your property.

There is no charge for this service.

Apply for a disabled parking bay (.pdf)

Due to a limited budget and high demand for disabled parking bays a ranking system has been developed. The score is based on recorded facts and observations in order to assess and rank each application.

Assessment criteria Maximum score
Suitable off street parking  20 points
Road alignment, regulated parking and safety 10 points
Road width 10 points
Class of road 10 points
Parking survey (4 visits) 20 points

An application will need a minimum score of 35 points before being placed on a ranking list. This list is ranked annually at the beginning of the new financial year. Applications with the highest scores will be informed that they have reached the Traffic Regulation Order consultation stage. Unsuccessful applications with a score below 35 points will be informed and the application withdrawn.

We will:

  • visit your home at different times on four separate occasions where we will assess how difficult it is to park on your street.
  • carry out public consultations with the emergency services, local disabled access group, local county councillors as well as owners and occupiers of adjoining properties.

Please note that this can be a very lengthy process as the list of applications is only reviewed once a year. Depending on when you apply it could take up to 12 months. 

If you move house and you have a disabled parking bay, you need to inform us and if there is no other blue badge holder who can utilise the bay we will arrange for it to be removed.

If your road isn’t adopted you would have to have permission/approval from all householders who live on the unadopted road.

Markings that have a Traffic Regulation Order are enforceable by the civil enforcement officers.

Travel, Roads & Parking