Transforming Towns
In this section
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Amount of funding
- 3. Eligibility
- 4. What you can use the grant for
- 5. What you cannot use the grant for
- 6. Procurement rules - Getting quotes
4. What you can use the grant for
If your EOI is approved and you are asked to submit a full application you can apply for funding to cover costs which include:
Commercial property improvements
External works to the building can include work deemed necessary for the structural integrity of the property. Items might include:
- Shopfronts;
- Bilingual signage;
- Windows & doors;
- External lighting;
- Roofs and chimneys;
- Rainwater goods (guttering and down pipes);
- Rendering, stone cleaning and repairs, re-pointing; and
- Structural works.
Internal works to the building can include all work, visible or structural, necessary to complete the project to Building Regulations. This might include:
- Windows & doors;
- Improved accessibility;
- Walls, ceilings, lighting;
- Energy efficiency measures when included as part of the overall scheme;
- Utilities and services, including heating;
- Welfare facilities (e.g. essential washroom and cleansing facilities only); and
- Structural work
The main objective of this funding is to bring vacant commercial space back into business use. However, the elements noted below could be included as part of a wider project.
Green infrastructure
- Green Walls
- Green Roofs
- Rain Gardens
- Pocket Parks
This funding will not contribute to ongoing maintenance costs in future financial years.