Tenders & Contracts
We spend approximately £376 million per annum on goods, works and services, providing businesses of all sectors and sizes with a range of commercial opportunities. We look to purchase as much of this as possible from within the County.
Contracts over the UK Procurement Threshold are advertised on Find a Tender Service (FTS). FTS is free to use and replaces the role of Tenders Electronic Daily, the Official Journal of the EU (OJEU/TED) for procurements in the UK. FTS works alongside existing procurement portals including Sell2Wales.
All procurement activity over the value of £25000 is advertised on the National Procurement Website Sell2Wales and is recommended that you register free of charge on this site. This allows you to promote your organisation and receive automatic email alerts of suitable opportunities.
At present, some procurement activity under £25000 is posted on the Sell2Wales website, however we are awaiting national guidance on how best to address this level of spend. We recognise the significance of this lower value spend and it’s attractiveness to small and new business in particular. A first point of contact and procurement link to business is available and can provide you with information regarding trading with the Council. This includes:
- Professional advice and guidance on procurement related issues
- Ascertain various means of advertising the Council’s forthcoming contracting opportunities
- Identify contacts within the Authority and make the introduction on the supplier’s behalf, thus bringing potential buyer and seller together
There is of course a great deal of competition for Carmarthenshire County Council works and contracts for goods and services, and unfortunately we cannot assure individual companies of success.
However, we aim to provide sufficient information to allow businesses to compete for any opportunities that arise and promote a fair and level playing field for all potential suppliers.
For further information or to make an appointment, please contact Jake Williams, Community Benefits Officer on email: JTWilliams@carmarthenshire.gov.uk