Admission to School - Information for Parents 2023-2024

Awarding Places – Over-Subscription Criteria

Over-subscription criteria for admission to community and voluntary controlled nursery, primary and secondary schools.

If there are more applications for admission than places available at a particular school, the allocation of places will be based on the following criteria listed in priority order:-

  1. Looked-after and previously looked-after children.
  2. Children who live in the school’s catchment area and have a sibling enrolled in the school at the time the child is to start at that school.
  3. Children who live in the school’s catchment area who do not have a sibling enrolled in the school at the time the child is to start at that school.
  4. Children who reside outside of the school’s catchment area AND have a sibling enrolled in the school at the time the child is to start at that school.
  5. Children who reside outside of the school’s designated catchment area who do not have a sibling enrolled in the school at the time the child is to start at that school.

N.B Where there is a Statement of Educational Needs or an Individual Development Plan (IDP) naming a particular school then this must be stated clearly on your application form. Such applications are dealt with separately and prior to the over- subscription criteria being applied.

For full-time 4 year old primary school applications
The 3 year old part-time nursery or early years provision allocated cannot be used as a criterion for giving priority in allocating full-time 4 year old primary school places.

For Year 7 secondary applications
The primary school a pupil attends cannot be used as a criterion for giving priority in allocating a secondary school place.


Within each of the above categories:

Distance Criteria

The distance from home to the school will be used as a basis for determining priority, with those living nearest the school being given priority and a place at the school before those living further away. The distance will be measured using Google Maps.
The distance from the home address to school will be measured from the nearest available route from the nearest school entrance to the nearest available access point by highway or footpath to the home address.


Children will be classified as siblings if they are: a full brother or sister (children who have two parents in common), a half brother or sister (children who have one parent in common), an adopted or fostered brother or sister, a step brother or sister (children who are related because their parents are married, co-habiting or in a civil partnership), but in every case the children must be living in the same family unit at the same address for the majority of the week. Where there is 50/50 residency it is the address of the parent/carer in receipt of Child Benefit which is used to process the application and the sibling must be enrolled and attending the school when your child is due to start school. The Authority reserves the right to request evidence if required. Failing to provide evidence when asked, will result in your application being ranked as having no sibling at school.

Multiple Birth Children

In any circumstances in which there is one place available and the next eligible children are twins/triplets then the Local Authority will admit both/all children.

Children of UK Service Personnel

Children of UK Service personnel will be treated as in catchment if their application forms are accompanied by an official Ministry of Defence (MOD) letter declaring a definite return date and confirmation of the new address within catchment.

Admission Number (AN) – A limit on the number of pupils admitted into a school

Every school has an Admission Number (AN) which specifies and limits the number of pupils who can be admitted to each year group in the school. The AN for each school is given in the list of schools enclosed in this booklet.

The AN for each school has been set by using the capacity formula determined by the Welsh Government. The calculation is based on national guidelines (Measuring the Capacity of Schools In Wales Circular 021/2011) and relates to the physical area of the school buildings, the type of facilities at the school, the age range and number of year groups in the school.

As the AN is based on the school’s capacity to provide appropriate accommodation and facilities for pupils it should not be exceeded.

The AN applies to the age group into which the pupils are admitted into the school and places a limit on the number of pupils who can be admitted. In the normal year of entry the Admissions Authority must admit pupils until the AN is reached. Should the number of applications received for admission to a school exceed the AN then the Authority will prioritise the applications it has received in accordance with the over subscription criteria detailed in this document. In such circumstances parents may not be successful in gaining a place for their child at their preferred school. School governors and the Local Authority must always keep the AN under review.

Other Admissions Arrangements

A bilingual Carmarthenshire - Learning through the medium of Welsh

Parents may express a preference for a particular language school. However, Carmarthenshire County Council is committed to further developing its bilingual education system in line with the 2022-2032 Welsh in Education Strategic Plan. We strongly believe that being bilingual or multilingual is an advantage for our children and young people. Considerations have been made for pupils that may move into the County with very little or no Welsh language. Pupils of all ages can access support for Welsh provision in Carmarthenshire. More details can be found on our bilingual education pages.

Split Site schools

When an application is made for admission to a school which operates on more than one site, the Authority will approve admission to the school and not to a particular site. The site the children will attend is a matter for the school to decide.

Gypsy and Traveller children

Admission applications made in respect of gypsy and traveller families will be dealt with, with a view to placing these children as quickly as possible at the nearest available and appropriate school.