Mud on the Highway
Mud and muck deposited on the highway can cause accidents, block drains and gulleys, and be a nuisance to other road users. It is an offence under the Highways Act 1980 to deposit mud or muck onto the highway and precautions should be taken to ensure that this does not happen.
Where mud is tracked onto the highway it should be cleaned off as soon as possible and warning signs put in place until the road is clean (remember warning signs do not in themselves prevent liability for accidents that occur). This also applies where animals use the highway. If necessary the County Council will take steps to clean highways and recover our costs under the Highways Act 1980.
Where mud is tracked onto the highway it should be cleaned off as soon as possible and warning signs put in place until the road is clean (remember warning signs do not in themselves prevent liability for accidents that occur). This also applies where animals use the highway. If necessary the County Council will take steps to clean highways and recover our costs under the Highways Act 1980.