Report an abandoned vehicle

Page updated on: 23/10/2024

A vehicle may be treated as abandoned if it has been left in an area for a period or has no registered keeper. It may not be taxed and may also be in a dangerous condition.

If we believe a vehicle has been abandoned a DVLA check may be carried out to find the current keeper details.  If it is considered that the vehicle is in a dangerous condition it is treated as a priority removal and will be removed within 24 hours. Abandoned vehicles on private land are subject to a 15-day notice period usually after consulting with the land owner or agent.

To help us deal with the abandoned vehicle quickly please tell us the following information about the vehicle:

  • Make, model and colour
  • Vehicle registration number (If the registration plates are missing this may be found on the tax disc if displayed)
  • Condition of the vehicle (detailing any vandalism)
  • Tax disc expiry date, if displayed
  • Exact location of the vehicle
  • How long the vehicle has been abandoned
  • Any other information, e.g. who the owner or user may be.
  • Photo - you can take a photo on your smartphone where it is safe to do so and upload it

If you wish to report an untaxed vehicle contact the Vehicle Registration Office, Untaxed Vehicles, Long View Road, Swansea, SA99 1AN.

If you think the vehicle has been stolen or if it is causing an obstruction, please report it to Dyfed-Powys Police, on 101.

Report an abandoned vehicle