Frequently asked questions
Page updated on: 31/08/2023
A Local Development Plan (LDP) sets out proposals and policies for the future use of all local land, and is the main development plan document in Wales. The LDP covers a period of fifteen years and should reflect national planning policy in Wales.
At our council meeting on the 10th of January 2018 we resolved to prepare a revised LDP for Carmarthenshire. The preparatory process for an LDP is expected to be completed in 3.5 years, with some of the key stages highlighted below. The timetable for the preparation of the Revised LDP is set out within the Delivery Agreement (DA) which was agreed by the Welsh Government on the 28th June 2018.
Once adopted (completed) the Revised LDP will be used as the basis for deciding on planning applications and will assist in guiding future investment programmes in areas such as infrastructure as well as Plans and strategies including those of partner organisations.
The LDP is prepared by the Local Planning Authority. There are a number of steps to preparing the Plan and different stages of consultation and involving people in its preparation. Before starting work on the LDP, we produced a Delivery Agreement which sets out the LDP’s timetable and when and how people could get involved.
During the preparation of the LDP, we will build an evidence base to inform and support the Plan. We have also produced an Easy Read Introduction to the Revised LDP.
Throughout the preparation of the LDP there will be a number of opportunities to get involved.
Before starting work on the LDP, we produced a Delivery Agreement which sets out the LDP’s timetable and when and how people could get involved.
At different stages of preparing the Revised LDP there will be opportunities for people to get involved and tell us what they think. A Representation is the word used for submitting comments to us.
Legislation requires the LDP to be "sound", and for this to be tested by an independent examination. There are 3 tests of soundness against which the LDP will be assessed. Under each test there are a series of questions which are to be considered:
Test 1: Does the plan fit? (i.e. is it clear that the LDP is consistent with other plans?)
- Does it have regard to national policy and WSP
- Does it have regard to Well-being Goals
- Does it have regard the Welsh National Marine Plan
- Is it consistent with regional plans, strategies and utility programmes?
- Is it compatible with the plans of neighbouring authorities?
- Does it reflect the Single Integrated Plan (SIP) or the National Park Management Plan (NPMP)?
Test 2: Is the plan appropriate? (i.e. is the plan appropriate for the area in the light of the evidence?)
- Is it locally specific?
- Does it address the key issues?
- Is it supported by robust, proportionate and credible evidence?
- Can the rationale behind plan policies be demonstrated?
- Does it seek to meet assessed needs and contribute to the achievement of sustainable development?
- Are the vision and the strategy positive and sufficiently aspirational?
- Have the 'real' alternatives been properly considered?
- Is it logical, reasonable and balanced?
- Is it coherent and consistent?
- Is it clear and focused?
Test 3: Will the plan deliver (i.e. is it likely to be effective?)
- Will it be effective?
- Can it be implemented?
- Is there support from the relevant infrastructure providers both financially and in terms of meeting relevant timescales?
- Will development be viable?
- Can the sites allocated be delivered?
- Is the plan sufficiently flexible? Are there appropriate contingency provisions?
- Is it monitored effectively?
Planning Application Guide
- Development Idea
- Do I need a Planning Agent?
- Key Information
- Pre-Application Stage
- Types of Planning Application
- Application submission
- Validation
- Live Application
- Planning Committee
- Appeals
- Compliance / Enforcement
- Completion of Development
Major Planning Applications
Extending / changing your home
- Lawful Development Certificate
- Pre-application advice service
- Householder planning permission
- Neighbouring properties / party walls
- Bats and nesting birds
- Conservation areas
- Listed buildings
Search for a Planning Application
Breach of planning
Change of Use (Planning)
Pre-application consultation (PAC)
Highways planning liaison
Development Viability Model (DVM) Assessment Tool
Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS)
Apply for Section 106 funds
Local Development Order (LDO)
Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas
- Understanding listing
- When is listed building consent required?
- Alterations to Listed Buildings
- Applying for listed building consent
- What happens after a decision on listed building consent has been made?
- Works to a listed building without consent
- Maintenance and Repair
- Further sources of information
- Conservation Areas
Conservation & countryside
Street naming and numbering
My Nearest - Planning information
Planning Policy
- Local Development Plan 2006 - 2021
- LDP Review Report
- Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG)
- Affordable Housing
- Affordable Housing areas
- Annual Monitoring Report (AMR)
- Housing Land Supply
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
Local Development Plan 2018 - 2033
- Integrated Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment
- Delivery Agreement
- Candidate Sites
- Independent Examination
- Submission Documents
- Second Deposit Revised Local Development Plan
- Preferred Strategy (Pre-Deposit Public Consultation)
- Development of an evidence base
- Frequently asked questions
- First Deposit Revised LDP
Renewable Energy
Planning Ecology
New phosphates targets
- What action have we taken?
- West Wales Calculator
- Mitigation Measures
- Next Steps
- Phosphates - Frequently Asked Questions
- Teifi Demonstrator Catchment Project
- “Impact of NRW guidance on Ammonia Assessments”
- Why biodiversity matters?
- Priority Species in Carmarthenshire
- Priority Habitats in Carmarthenshire
- Carmarthenshire Nature Partnership
- HLF Bogs project
- Marsh fritillary project
- Hedgerows
- Woodlands
- Pollinators
- Get out and about!
- Legislation and Guidance
- Protected sites
- Ash dieback disease
- Wildlife in your Ward
- Local Places for Nature
- The State of Nature in Carmarthenshire
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