Countryside Access Charging Policy - Public Path Furniture
In this section
- Section 6 - Furniture Supplied/Installed Free of Charge
- Section 7 - Equality Impact Assessment
- Appendix 1 - Price List
- Appendix 2 - Countryside Access Furniture Offered Free Of Charge
Section 6 - Furniture Supplied/Installed Free of Charge
Presently the Authority will continue to undertake landowner responsibilities in respect of PROW furniture in the circumstances detailed below.
Promoted Network
Due to the importance placed on promoted PROWs in the County and the additional burden that is placed on them, the Countryside Access team will continue to fund the upkeep of furniture and provision of replacement furniture on behalf of the landowner.
These promoted routes, for example the Wales Coast Path, the Heart of Wales Trail, and the Cothi Trail, should be maintained in the best possible condition to showcase the best of the what the County has to offer to local people and tourists visiting the County.
Wider Network
Landowners/managers that demonstrate clear compliance when approached by a member of the Countryside Access team will still be offered furniture installation free of charge in order to open a path(s) on their holding, subject to strict criteria:
i. A specific furniture type must be accepted according to the status of the PROW – see appendix 2.
ii. There must be no reported incidents of aggressive or intimidating behaviour towards PROW users or staff linked to the landowner/manager.
iii. Aside from the poor condition of or absence of furniture, there must be no evidence of wilful obstruction in respect of any PROWs across the holding
iv. The landowner/manager must accept responsibility for the furniture once installed, as per their duty under the Highways Act 1980.
This approach will maximise the efficiency of the Countryside Service. It will deliver valuable and sought-after network improvements on the ground and reward landowner compliance whilst still being mindful of deliberate PROW offences that will annul eligibility for this offer. It will also enhance the network, opening routes in cooperation with landowners whilst consistently delivering least restrictive access across the network.