Mental Health
Page updated on: 22/01/2024
Looking after your mental well-being is as important as keeping physically fit and well. Poor mental health can affect you, your family, your friendships and other aspects in your life such as your job. One in four people will experience a mental health problem at some time in their lives, and one in six people will suffer from a severe enduring mental health illness. Everyone can make significant steps to regain or improve their mental health and achieve a better quality of life.
If you think you are experiencing problems with your mental health, you can contact your doctor (GP). They will aim to support you initially, but if symptoms persist they may consider a referral to the Local Primary Mental Health Support Service or to ourselves as a Community Mental Health Team.
You can also contact Delta Well-Being on 0300 333 2222 for information, advice and assistance.
You may be referred to one of the Community Mental Health Teams. The team includes Mental Health Social workers, Community Psychiatric Nurses, Consultant Psychiatrists, Clinical Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, Dietician and Support staff.
The Community Mental Health Team will offer you an appointment for assessment. Referrals will be responded to within 28 days and urgent referrals within 4 hours, preferably within the same working day.
If following assessment it is appropriate for you to be supported by the Community Mental Health Team, a Care Coordinator will be assigned to work with you. This will be one of the professionals mentioned above and they will work with you to develop a Care and Treatment Plan.
The Care and Treatment Plan is intended to be outcome focused, giving you the opportunity to set goals in all areas of your life. These include areas such as accommodation, education and training, money, parenting or caring relationships, work, physical well-being and social cultural or spiritual needs. By working together with the care coordinator, this will enable you to take more control of your own recovery.
A care and treatment plan is for individuals receiving secondary mental health services under The Mental Health (Wales) Measure (2010).
We will review your care and treatment plan and together agree on a discharge plan. The Community Mental Health Team work collaboratively with local support services to ensure your recovery is maintained.
If you become unwell following discharge you will be able to refer yourself back to the Community Mental Health Team within three years of the date of your discharge or you can visit your doctor.
All information you give us, or which others give on your behalf, will remain confidential. All information is held securely, remains private and is only used to help us provide you with the services you need. We will only use your information for reasons you have agreed to and only the staff who are involved in the provision of your services are allowed access to your file.
On occasions we may be asked to share information with other professionals however, this would normally only be disclosed with your knowledge and permission in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
There are some occasions when we are legally required to disclose information without your consent, for example:
- To the police or court in serious legal or criminal matters, or
- To avoid serious harm to yourself or other people.
Social Care & Health
Are you worried about an adult/child?
Charges for care at home
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Mental Health
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Social Care Services Complaints & Compliments
Social Services & Well-being Wales Act
Support at home
Support for carers
Supported Housing
The Skills Hub
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
Draft Charging Policy for Social Care Services 2024
- Service charges
- Residential placements
- Short term/Respite stays at a care home
- Direct payments
- Financial assessment
- Benefits advice
- Minimum Income Amount (MIA)
- Night-time services (Non-residential)
- Treatment of income
- Treatment of capital
- Treatment of property
- People who lack capacity
- Managing property and finances
- Advocacy
- Deferred payments
- Invoicing for charges
- Non-payment of charges and debt
- Deprivation of Assets
- Additional costs (AC) for permanent / temporary admissions to a care home
- Additional costs (AC) for respite/short-term admissions to a care home
- Application of the rules to individual cases
- Reviews and methods of appeal
- Appendix 1 - Variations/adjustments to charges for financially assessed services
- Appendix 2 - Operational rules for commencement and termination of packages of care and support
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Living Well in Carmarthenshire
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