No Bars to Multiply
Project Applicant: Threshold DAS
Project title: No Bars to Multiply
Investment Priority: People & Skills
Location: Carmarthenshire
‘It is never too late to learn something new’ is the motto of the No Bars to Multiply project with the aim to empower the people of Carmarthenshire to adopt new skills which are vital to everyday life. The project aims to deliver a blended learning approach to numeracy and skills training for vulnerable members of the public particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, unemployed, socially inactive, offenders or at risk of offending to prepare and enter the workplace. The funding goes towards accredited numeracy courses through specialist tutors, and webinars on skills such as IT literacy, cooking and using measurement, budgeting, and planning a trip to name a few. The goal of the project is to promote inclusion and integration using education, helping vulnerable individuals to acquire vital skills.
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