Project Applicant: Coleg Sir Gâr
Project title: Skills 24
Investment Priority: People & Skills
Location: Carmarthenshire
Skills24 will deliver under three pillars/strands to promote skills training in Carmarthenshire – Cook24, Care24, and Green24.
Building on the successful Community Renewal Fund project, Cook24 aims to engage with sector and industry experts to reskill/upskill the workforce in the hospitality sector and provide key skills for gaining employment within hospitality. Training courses such as food hygiene courses will be implemented alongside education for pupils and parents/carers around cooking with home-grown produce, food banks and healthy eating.
Care24 will centre around supporting those wanting to enter a new career in care or are currently in unofficial roles within the care sector. With the purpose of development for employment, the progression of training supplied by Care24 will lead to sector specific training in partnership with Hywel Dda Health Board, engaging with the local community to promote careers in health and social care.
The third pillar introduces Green24 which will lead net zero strategies in Carmarthenshire – tailoring training on sustainability and net zero awareness for public and private sector organisations. Green24 has developed a suite of training products to provide support in skills gaps within various sectors – including training in food sustainability in the agricultural sector.
All three pillars will incorporate digital skills into their training programs and will deliver a ‘Microsoft Academy’ which will offer training on technology to prepare individuals for employment.