In this section
- Contacting us by phone or visiting us in person
- Technical information about this website’s accessibility
- What we’re doing to improve accessibility
- How we test this website
Technical information about this website’s accessibility
Carmarthenshire County Council is committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.
Compliance status
This website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.2 AA standard, due to the non-compliances listed below.
Non-accessible content
The content listed below is non-accessible for the following reasons.
Non-compliance with the accessibility regulations
Many of the older PDFs on our website do not meet accessibility standards – for example, they may not be marked up so they’re accessible to a screen reader.
The accessibility regulations don’t require us to fix PDFs or other documents published before 23 September 2018 if they’re not essential to providing our services.
Any new PDFs or Word documents we publish will meet accessibility standards unless we determine that they represent a disproportionate burden within the meaning of the accessibility regulations. Our long-term aim is to provide an accessible HTML version of the information as the primary source.
Additionally, some of our pages use the same link text for different destinations. This will mean that screen reader users will see links on a page listed without context.
Any new pages that we publish will use different link text for different destinations.
Third-party applications
We require that any new third-party systems we commission for the council’s website are Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.2 AA compliant. However, third-party applications and legacy web applications in particular are partly or wholly in the control of the third-party supplier and may not conform to the same levels of accessibility as the rest of the council website.
Third-party applications linked to from our main website include:
- Civica Canfod Cartref / Home Finder - Search and bid for a home.
- ParentPay - Manage your children’s school meals and payments.
- Arcus Global - Planning and appeals applications searches.
- SirsiDynix Libraries system - Reserve and renew books online.
- Civica - Councillor information, meetings, agendas, and minutes.
- Gladstone Leisure system - Manage your leisure centre and gym membership
- Zellis Web Recruitment system - Manage your Job applications with the council.
- Capita - Online payments portal.
- Granicus - eForms and My Account.
We monitor the accessibility of these sites and ask suppliers to fix accessibility issues that arise. We will aim to provide details and timescales as items are reported to our third parties to resolve.
Accessibility statements and pages for third-party providers
- Civica Canfod Cartref - Home Finder accessibility page
- Granicus accessibility page
- Zellis accessibility page
- Public Rights of Way web application is partially compliant with WCAG 2.1 AA standards.
The website has map based components which fall under the WCAG 2.1 mapping exemption. An alternative method for reporting issues is provided.
The web application presents data submitted by the public in the form of text, images and pdfs. There may be accessibility issues associated with this data: -
- Missing alternative text: Photography relating to the public rights of way network and reported issues may not have appropriate Alt tags.
- Links missing alternative text: There may be hyperlinks in public submitted content that do not include appropriate Alt tags.
- PDF documents that are inaccessible: In the legal order or landowner deposits modules there may be pdf documents submitted by the public that are not fully accessible to screen reader software.
Live video
We do not plan to add captions to live video streams because live video is exempt from meeting the accessibility regulations.
Disproportionate burden
Due to the nature and format of the tables included in the CIPFA Code, further consideration is needed to help ensure that the Statement of Accounts are presented in a way that is fully accessible.
We will work towards achieving compliance, whilst adhering to the complexities of the prescribed presentation reporting requirements of CIPFA’s Code of Practice On Local Authority Accounting.