Supporting People Programme
Page updated on: 19/10/2024
We want to stop you from losing your home. You will be eligible for support if you are 16 or over and if you are:
- Experiencing domestic abuse;
- Homeless/potentially homeless, rough sleeping or vulnerably housed;
- An Ex-offender or leaving prison;
- Someone with a physical disability or sensory impairment;
- Someone with developmental disorders, for example, autism;
- Experiencing drug and/or alcohol issues;
- Someone with chronic illnesses, including HIV and AIDS;
- A single parent family with support needs;
- Someone with learning difficulties;
- Experiencing mental health issues;
- A Young person with support needs
- If you are in need of support with managing your home
We can help you to:
- Improve your life and social skills
- Feel and stay safe at home;
- Manage your debts and money, such as rent arrears, claiming benefits, and budgeting on a low income;
- Move or adapt your home;
- Access employment, employment, education, training, volunteer, social and leisure opportunities;
- Develop independent living skills, such as cooking, cleaning, and managing your home; and many more.
- To prevent people from becoming homeless and help homeless people to find and keep accommodation.
- Access other services such as health, social care and other agencies
To get help
Please call 0300 333 2222. Our team will support you to get the right help.