Separated waste collections - in the work place

Page updated on: 29/10/2024

A new workplace recycling law starts from 6 April 2024. It means all businesses, charities and public sector organisations will need to sort their waste for recycling in the same way most households do now.  The aim is to improve the quality and quantity of recycling in Wales.

What does the new law mean?

All workplaces will have to separate the following materials for collection:

Paper and card
Metals, plastics and cartons
Unsold textiles
Unsold small waste electrical and electronic equipment (sWEEE)

There will also be a ban on:

Sending food to waste sewers (any amount)
Separately collected waste going to incineration plants and landfills
All wood waste going to landfill

You are responsible for all the waste on the premises you are occupying. These include waste produced by your staff, visitors and contractors or vendors working on the premises.

It also applies to all waste and recycling collectors and processors who collect and manage waste from workplaces.

For more information and guidance visit: