Personal licence
Page updated on: 14/08/2023
We issue personal licences which allow individuals to authorise sales of alcohol at a premise - providing it has a valid premises licence – including pubs, off licences, restaurants and hotels.
Personal licence holders can also be named on a premises licence as the Designated Premises Supervisor.
How to apply
You must apply to the licensing authority for the area where you live, not the licensing authority in which you work. We are the licensing authority for Carmarthenshire.
The fee for this licence is £37.
Before submitting your application, we suggest you read our guidance notes - these explain the requirements you must comply with.
Licensing & Permits
What licences do you need to trade outdoors?
Alcohol & entertainment licences
- Club premises certificate
- Premises licence
- Personal licence
- Temporary Event Notices
- Comment on a licence application
- Making a complaint about a licensed premises
- Renewing / cancelling your licence
- Annual fees
- Requesting a review
Charity collection permit
Environmental Permits
Gambling licences
Holiday caravan site licence
Licensing policy
Mobile homes – Residential site licence
Scrap Metal Dealer Licence
Sex establishments licence
Street café licence - Trading outdoors
Street trading licence
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