Gambling permits
Page updated on: 14/08/2023
We are responsible for issuing a number of different types of gambling permits.
Gaming machines at alcohol licensed premises
Alcohol licensed premises are automatically entitled to provide two gaming machines of category C or D at the premises, providing we have received notification and the relevant fee. We will issue a certificate to confirm that a notification is in force. A new notification must be submitted if the holder of the premises licence changes.
To provide more than two category C and D gaming machines, you must apply for a gaming machine permit. This permit replaces, and is not in addition to, the automatic entitlement.
Gaming machines at unlicensed family entertainment centres
Unlicensed family entertainment centres are able to offer category D machines if they obtain a gaming machine permit from us. Any number of category D machines can be made available with such a permit (subject to non-gambling considerations, such as fire regulations and health and safety).
Prize gaming
Prize gaming is when the nature and size of the prize available is not determined by either:
- the number of people playing
- the amount paid for, or raised by the gaming
Prize gaming permits can be issued to those who would like to run prize gaming from a premises they occupy, or plan to occupy, if the premises does not already have an existing premises licence or a club gaming permit.
Club gaming permits and club machine permits
There are two types of club permit available - a club gaming permit or a club machine permit.
Club gaming permits allow the provision of no more than three gaming machines in total. Each of the three machines must be from categories B3A, B4, C or D but only one B3A machine can be sited, by agreement, as part of this entitlement. Club gaming permits also allow equal-chance gaming (for example, poker) and games of chance (for example, pontoon, chemin-de-fer) under certain restrictions.
Club machine permits allow the holder to have no more than three gaming machines in total. Members' clubs and miners' welfare institutes may site up to three machines from categories B3A, B4, C or D but only one B3A machine can be sited, by agreement, as part of this entitlement. Commercial clubs may site up to three machines from categories B4, C or D (not B3A machines).
An annual fee is payable in the first year, 30 days after the permit is granted and then each subsequent year on the anniversary of the granting of the permit. See ways to pay below.
Apply for a licence
You are advised to read the relevant guidance and policy documents and contact the licensing section with any queries prior to completing an application.
You must make your application in person at one of our customer service centres. You will need to provide the following items:
- Completed application form
- Supporting documents
- Fee
Prize gaming permits are not available to download, contact us to request this form.
Licensing & Permits
What licences do you need to trade outdoors?
Alcohol & entertainment licences
- Club premises certificate
- Premises licence
- Personal licence
- Temporary Event Notices
- Comment on a licence application
- Making a complaint about a licensed premises
- Renewing / cancelling your licence
- Annual fees
- Requesting a review
Charity collection permit
Environmental Permits
Gambling licences
Holiday caravan site licence
Licensing policy
Mobile homes – Residential site licence
Scrap Metal Dealer Licence
Sex establishments licence
Street café licence - Trading outdoors
Street trading licence
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