Admission to School - Information for Parents 2024-2025

Admission to secondary schools including sixth form

Key Facts:

  • There is no automatic transfer from a primary to secondary school.
  • By law you must make an application to the Admissions Authority for a place.
  • Deadline for submitting an application is the 20 December 2023.
  • It is the home address which is taken into account when considering admission to a secondary school and not the primary school attended.
  • It is not possible for any person or organisation to guarantee, in advance, a place for a child at a school. Any such comments or assurances must be disregarded.
  • You will need to receive a letter or email from the Admissions Authority advising you if your application has been successful or refused.
  • A child can not start at a secondary school until the parent/guardian has confirmed the place with the Admissions Authority.
  • Read the Transport to school policy before making your final choice of school.

Primary school children are required to start at a secondary school in the September following their 11th birthday.

It is a requirement that a parent/guardian must complete an on-line application for these pupils by the prescribed closing date as set in the admissions Schedule of Events Timetable.

Any applications received after the prescribed closing date will not be considered until those received before the deadline date have been allocated places. These will be considered as Late Applications as detailed in this document.

Should there be more applications than places available then the Authority will prioritise applications in accordance with its over-subscription criteria detailed in this document.

The primary school which the pupil is attending is not a factor which is taken into account when allocating places.

Application forms must be completed online by the prescribed closing date.

If the form is not submitted by the deadline then the chances of getting a place at the preferred school is diminished as is the possibility of free transport to school.

It is our intention to issue decision letters in respect of these applications received by the deadline by the offer date set in the admissions Schedule of Events Timetable.


As part of the application process, parents of children in their last year in primary schools will receive an information pack from the Authority. It is important that you complete the online form by the deadline date as those applications will be considered first for any places available. Any applications received after the deadline date will not be considered until those received before the deadline date have been allocated places. Whilst it does not guarantee a place at a school the admission criteria gives a higher priority to pupils who reside within the designated catchment area of a secondary school. The primary school which the pupil is attending is not therefore a factor which is taken into account.

Please follow the guidance provided, complete the online form accordingly and read the section in this booklet relating to parental preference and school transport to ensure you understand your obligations in such circumstances.

There is no automatic transfer arrangement and no automatic right to progress from the Primary School to the Secondary School.

Forms must be completed and submitted by 20 December 2023. If the form is not submitted by the closing date then the chances of getting a place at the preferred school is diminished. It is our intention to issue decision letters in respect of these applications on 1 March, 2024, or the next working day. Parents of children who wish their child to be admitted to a secondary school at a time other than the usual primary to secondary year 7 admissions should, in the first instance, contact and discuss the matter with the Headteacher of the school who will also be able to give advice in relation to applying for admission. Alternatively, advice may be sought from the School Admissions staff at the Department for Education and Children.

Sixth Form Admission

Arrangements for admission to Sixth Form Community Schools should be discussed with the individual school prior to submitting an application for admission.