FAQs - Recycling and waste

Page updated on: 22/08/2024

The following FAQs should answer any queries that you may have about recycling, bins and litter. Get in touch via the "Ask a question" tab if there is anything you need additional information about.

Food waste

If you need additional blue bags or food waste liners you can order more online Recycling Items Form

If you have additional glass bottles and jars to recycle that you can’t fit in your box, please either hold onto these until your next collection or take them to your local glass bank. Unfortunately, we’re unable to provide additional boxes.

If you need to replace a damaged or broken box please complete the online form.

In a county of over 90,000 households, everyone’s food waste mounts up – the smallest amount will have an impact. It’s up to you what that impact is!

If you put your food waste into your black bag it goes to landfill. As food waste rots in landfill it gives off the greenhouse gas methane which is responsible for climate change.

The food we collect in your food bin is used to generate electricity and to make fertiliser. Just 6 recycled tea bags could produce enough electricity to boil a kettle for another cuppa.

Putting your food waste into your food bin also stops animals from tearing open your black bags.

Deliveries are made to all households between November - April. 

They will be left within the boundary of your property, or at your usual bin collection point.

Houses across the road or further down the street can often be on different delivery routes. Therefore, you could receive your items at different times.

If you run out before your delivery you can order more online Recycling Items Form


We ask wardens to take delivery of bags for all residents or arrange for us to have access so that we can deliver them.

For any new housing sites with sections of the site that are still under construction, we will ask the developer to take the delivery and issue bags to residents.

If you run out before your delivery you can order more online Recycling Items Form

  • If your collection point is usually at the end of the lane, we will place the bags there. 
  • If you use a bunker we will leave the bags inside the bunker. 
  • If you use a wheelie bin we will leave the bags next to the bin.

No, blue bags and food waste liners are issued for household recycling only. All businesses have a duty of care to dispose of their waste appropriately through a commercial waste agreement with a registered waste carrier.

Some households are serviced by smaller caged vehicles which means that the food waste is not contained in the same way as on our larger collection vehicles. These households have been provided large liners because they are stronger and contain the waste more securely.

If you have been provided with large liners it is really important that you use them, even if you are using the smaller caddie liners, as they stop food waste from spilling out of the vehicle.

Food scraps, vegetable peelings, meat and fish including bones, seafood shells, waste pet food, egg shells, tea bags and coffee grounds can go in your kitchen caddy / food bin. Have a look on the A-Z of recycling to see a full list of what goes in your food bin.

We will provide you with a kitchen caddy to put in your kitchen and a food bin, to put out for weekly collection.  We also supply food liners to make it easier for you to recycle all of your food waste.

Complete our online form to request a new kitchen caddy / food bin. 

Request a KITCHEN caddy / food bin

You can sign up to receive email or text message reminders for your collection days. 

sign up for reminders

If you can’t find answers to your questions on this page, or on our A-Z of recycling, you may contact one of our recycling advisors for further advice and support. Simply email us using the link below and we’ll get in touch.

contact us

If you or someone you know struggle to put their waste and recycling out for collection, we may be able to help with an assisted waste collection closer to their property.

An application is required and an assessment of the property before the service can be provided.

assisted waste collection

Visit My Recycling Wales to find out what happens to your recycling and black bags once collected.

Please check and follow the advice on our missed collections page, before reporting that your waste has been left behind.

missed collections

In Carmarthenshire all our food waste is now recycled by a process called anaerobic digestion. The food waste is converted into fertiliser and biogas which is used as an energy source. All food liners must be screened out and removed, as they cannot be processed with the food. Therefore, there is no longer a need for compostable liners, which are more expensive. By making this change, we can save even more money by joining with other local authorities on large scale purchasing contracts.

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