Ability to learn
Page updated on: 01/10/2024
Children and young people learn at different rates, and each individual is unique. We all have different strengths and weaknesses with learning. Some children and young people will have more difficulty than their friends when it comes to learning. If children and young people are three years or more behind expected levels, after teachers have tried different ways of helping, this can be called Moderate Learning Difficulties (M.L.D).
Children and young people with Moderate Learning Difficulties may have problems with:
- Basic literacy skills
- Basic numeracy skills
- Understanding of new concepts
- Listening / attention skills
- Applying what they know to other situations
They will often have low self esteem, low levels of concentration and low motivation. They may refuse to try new work because they think they will fail before they start. They need support to access the curriculum.
How will the school help?
- Differentiating tasks – making them simpler
- Offering different ways of recording information, such as labelled pictures, diagrams or flow-charts
- Multi-sensory activities
- Breaking down learning into small steps
- Helping children to organise their written work by using writing frames
- Allowing extra time to complete tasks
- Keeping instructions short and clear
- Praising achievements
Children, young people, parents or carers should speak to the school initially if they have any questions about the learners' ability to learn.
Children and young people will be supported in different ways according to their needs within the classroom. They may need to work in small groups, sometimes with a teaching assistant to support needs or help identify need. Some children and young people who require additional support will be identified as having additional learning needs through a decision-making process.
Advisory Teachers: Tracey Bevan, email: TBevan@carmarthenshire.gov.uk or Hayley McClelland, email: HMcClelland@carmarthenshire.gov.uk 01267 246466
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