Hearing Loss
Page updated on: 14/08/2024
Babies are screened in their first year for hearing loss. Hearing loss is described in four levels: mild, moderate, severe and profound. If hearing loss is picked up early, specialist Teachers of the Deaf, health visitors and other professionals will work with the child and their family to develop communication. They will link with the Education department so that we can help support the child before they start school.
Deaf children may communicate differently. They may use British Sign Language (BSL) and/or lip read. They may use digital hearing aids, cochlear implants or other sound systems.
For many children, hearing loss can be temporary, developing as they grow older. 80% of children will have an episode of glue ear by the age of ten. This is the most common cause of temporary deafness.
Children with emerging hearing loss may:
- Not respond when called
- Watch faces and lips carefully
- Ask for things to be repeated
- Ignore instructions, or get things wrong
- Watch what others are doing before trying something
- Ask for help often
- Seem to be daydreaming
- Talk too loudly or too quietly
- Not join in
- Be tired, frustrated or alone.
Any hearing loss will affect listening skills, language development and literacy skills. It can affect concentration, memory, social skills and self esteem.
How will the school help?
Teachers can help children with hearing loss in classrooms by:
- Making sure the child is facing the teacher and paying attention, before talking
- Speaking clearly, naturally and at a normal rate
- Not covering their face with their hands while talking
- Not walking around the room or turning around while talking
- Repeating what other children say
- Ensuring that one person speaks at a time
- Avoiding noisy equipment such as printers or projectors
- Keeping noise levels down, as hearing aids amplify all noise
- Using key words, topic headings or visual aids to show when there is a new conversation
Children, young people, parents or carers should speak to the school initially if they have any questions about the learner’s hearing.
The Local Authority has several specialist Teachers of the Deaf (TODs) who are available to assess and support your child’s education as required. It also has specialist primary and secondary school provision which may be suitable for children with the most significant hearing losses. See Specialist Provision.
Children and young people will be supported in different ways according to their needs within the classroom. They may need to work in small groups, sometimes with a teaching assistant to support needs or help identify need. Some children and young people who require additional support will be identified as having additional learning needs through a decision-making process.
Sensory Impairment Manager: Catherine Williams, email: CWilliams@carmarthenshire.gov.uk 01267 246406
The following websites may be useful for more information:
Education & Schools
Bilingual education
Find a school
School Admissions and Changing Schools
- Information and guidance for parents
- Apply for a part-time nursery place (3-year olds)
- Apply for a full-time primary school place (4-years olds)
- Apply for a secondary school place (11-year olds)
- Changing schools in the middle of an academic term or year
- Appeals: What to do if you've been refused a school place
- Catchment areas
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Policies
- Changes to Full Time Education Start Date
Additional Learning Needs
- Educational & child psychology
- Specialist provision
- Ability to learn
- Reading and writing
- Number or maths
- Motor Skills
- Speech, Language & Communication
- Severe Learning Difficulties
- Hearing Loss
- Visual Impairment
- Physical and medical problems
- Autism
- English/Welsh as an Additional Language
- Behavioural, Emotional and Social Skills
- Gypsies and Travellers
- Concentration
- Parent Partnership Service
- Voice of the child / young person
- Terminology Guide
- Early Years
- Additional learning needs: Decision-making process
School transport
Emergency school closures
Home schooling - Elective Home Education (EHE)
Adult Learning
Adult Learning Courses
School term dates
Road safety
School meals
- Primary school meals
- Secondary school meals
- Free school meals
- Free breakfast / school milk
- Special diets, allergies and intolerances
- How we source our produce
- Nutritional standards for school meals
- School meals FAQ's
Pendine Outdoor Education Centre
Youth Support
- Duke of Edinburgh Award
- College provision for year 11’s
- Not in education or employment?
- Cynnydd
- Cam Nesa
Participation and children's rights
School sport & leisure
Financial Support
Miss school : Miss out
School budgets
School governors
Carmarthenshire's Modernising Education Programme
- Primary School Investment
- Secondary School Investment
- Consultation
- BREEAM categories
- Sustainable design - BREEAM
- Welsh Government Focused Grants
- Modernising Education Programme Strategy
Education Sir Gâr 2022-2032
- Why do we need this strategy?
- Vision to 2032
- Our desired outcomes 2022-2032
- Link to well-being objectives
- Policy background
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