Parent Partnership Service

Page updated on: 14/08/2024

We take a partnership approach to working with families of pupils with additional learning needs (ALN), in a person centred way. All Local Authorities have a statutory duty to provide Parent Partnership Services. It is a free and confidential service which provides impartial information, advice and support to parents and carers of children and young people with additional learning needs. We provide support and advice to families whose children have additional learning needs, through Family Liaison Officers.   The family liaison officers provide accurate and impartial information on a range of options available to parents and carers.  They do not ‘take sides’.  They help families to make informed decisions about the learner's education.  Where families want an independent parental supporter, the service will provide one. 

Families can engage in this partnership by:

  • speaking with the Head teacher or ALNCo of their local school who will be able to give contact details for the local parent partnership service.
  • contacting an ALN Family Liaison Officer on 01267 246466 or email They can provide specific advice from Early Years through to Post 16 education. They work closely with the Early Years ALN Lead Officer, Post 16 Lead Officer, other advisory teachers, and inclusion officers.
  • contacting SNAP Cymru - 01554 777566  0845 120 37 30 or E-mail: or
  • IPSEA is a national charity providing free legally based advice to families who have children with special educational needs. All advice is given by trained volunteers. They have a website at and an Advice Line on 0800 018 4016.
  • In certain circumstances,  you can make a claim to the Educational Tribunal for Wales (ETW). Further information and the necessary forms are available at

In the first instance, our Family Liaison Officers can:

  • listen and discuss your concerns;
  • help families understand their rights and how to work in partnership with others;
  • help families communicate their views in writing or face to face;
  • help children and young people express their views and have their voices heard;
  • help families prepare for meetings, school visits and discussions with professionals;
  • give support to make informed decisions about school and other educational placements;
  • offer support and representation at meetings;
  • help families play an active and valued role in the education and development of the child/young person: giving families a voice. 

They can help you through:

  • telephone or e-mail;
  • letter and written information;
  • arranging a home visit if appropriate.

Our services for Inclusion (Education) and Disability (Social Care) work together to provide enhanced services for children, young people and families.  We hold regular person centred meetings with families so we can work in partnership.

Where children and young people have a significant learning difficulty and complex needs, they and their family may be supported by a key worker in the Children's Disability Team. We will work together to make sure everyone knows what help is needed, what is being done and how often this needs to be reviewed.

We also have Designated Coordinators. A Designated Coordinator ensures that children and young people with additional learning needs (ALN) receive the right support. They work with schools, health services, and other agencies to make sure everything is coordinated to help your child succeed. The coordinator may also help oversee the creation and implementation of your child’s Individual Development Plan (IDP). If you have questions or concerns, they are here to guide you alongside the Family Liaison Officers.

Education & Schools