Reading and writing

Page updated on: 01/10/2024

Children learn to read and write at different rates. Some children will have particular problems with reading and writing. This can affect their learning overall. Sometimes this is called Dyslexia.

Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that mostly affects the skills involved in accurate and fluent word reading and spelling.

It may also affect speech and language, motor co-ordination, mental calculation, concentration and personal organisation.

How will the school help?

  • Class work will be differentiated so that children are expected to learn and complete tasks at their own pace.
  • Good support involves partnership – with children, parents, teachers, teaching assistants and other professionals.
  • Teaching needs to be learner centred, with the child/young person involved in planning and delivery to meet their needs.
  • In the early years, children learn through spoken language. ChATT (Carmarthenshire’s Children’s Assessment and Teaching Tool) helps to pick up if children have speech and language problems, which can link with dyslexia.

If children/young people have longer term problems, school may ask for advice and support from an advisory teacher. They might recommend a programme for the learner to follow, sometimes in small groups or one-to-one for part of the day.

Children, young people, parents or carers should speak to the school initially if they have any questions about the learners' ability to read and write.

Children and young people will be supported in different ways according to their needs within the classroom. They may need to work in small groups, sometimes with a teaching assistant to support needs or help identify need. Some children and young people who require additional support will be identified as having additional learning needs through a decision-making process

Advisory Teachers: Vicki Brook, e-mail: or Bronwen Walters, e-mail: