Secondary schools

Page updated on: 12/12/2024

There is Welsh medium secondary education available within a reasonable distance from all homes in Carmarthenshire. Any young person who has attained bilingual proficiency in primary school will be able to make a seamless transition into Welsh medium education at secondary school.  

Just as in the primary phase, Welsh and English are taught as individual subjects in Welsh medium education. Welsh is also used as the medium of instruction for other subjects as well as the medium for extra- curricular activities. This way, the young person’s bilingualism is sustained and developed further throughout his/her education.

Young people who have followed Welsh medium education at primary will be expected to continue with this programme at secondary school so that they can continue to develop their linguistic skills until they leave secondary education. If you are unsure about the route that your child should take from primary into secondary education in terms of the teaching medium, your child’s primary school and the local secondary schools will be able to provide guidance.

As English is a dominant language in terms of the media, social media etc. young people’s Welsh language skills benefit from as much exposure outside of the classroom as possible. It is always a good idea to give them the opportunity to use some Welsh at home, in their extra-curricular activities or watching TV. The key for young people to be as confident in Welsh as in English is to continue to take up Welsh medium opportunities after primary school. If a young person is bilingual at the age of 16 or 18, he/she can adjust extremely well to further studies through either language in any subject.