Seek support from your school

Page updated on: 27/08/2024

If your child's attendance level is falling, their school will contact you to explore the reason.

All schools are there to support each and every pupil. They offer support for families also or can put you in touch with someone who can help.

Talk to your child’s school about any concerns that you may have about your his or her attendance. Talk with your child and find out why they are not attending school e.g. What’s the best and worst part of the school day? If you could change one aspect of your school, what would it be? What are your friends at school like? Talk to your child’s teachers. Are there any subjects that they are worried about? We often find that by talking to your child and the school, the issue can be identified and steps put into place.

The school will want to involve your child in these conversations also so that together you can put solutions in place that will support your child to attend. It is important that the goals are realistic and that these plans are reviewed regularly with pupils, families and schools.

If you experience any issues in contacting your school then please share your concerns with the Chair of governors. You will find their details on the school’s website or in the annual report to parents.

If you would like to share a safeguarding concern then please refer this to

More information can be found in our Frequently Asked Questions

Local authorities and school governing bodies can suggest using parenting contracts in various situations, including in the case of regular non-attendance.

Parenting contracts are intended to be supportive and to help parents make sure their children regularly attend school.

They are useful as a means for focusing on underlying issues and in building constructive relationships with families.

The contract should contain statements by the local authority or governing body agreeing to provide support to the family and by the parent agreeing to specified requirements.

Entering into a parenting contract is voluntary for both parties. If a parent refuses or fails to meet the requirements, alternative courses of action, including referrals to SSAT and FPN should be considered.


When school has fully explored the reasons for regular non-attendance and exhausted all reasonable intervention and support mechanisms with little success, the use of other statutory interventions and sanctions can be considered.

Fixed penalty notices are one such option that schools may use.


  • Referrals to The School Safeguarding and Attendance Team (SSAT) are only made by schools when a pupil’s attendance is 85% or lower and absences are unauthorised.
  • Prior to referrals being made, schools should engage with families to determine the cause of the unauthorised absences. Schools should offer support to the pupil to make attempts to improve attendance and invite parents into meetings to try to resolve any issues.
  • If there is no improvement and absences continue to be unauthorised, schools should refer to SSAT. Together with the referral form, schools must provide copies of letters and minutes of meetings that have taken place with parents; these should include the date, time and outcome along with a copy of the pupil’s attendance registration certificate.
  • Schools must have followed the correct procedures before referring into SSAT.
  • Once a referral has been accepted, a Family Engagement Worker will make contact with the family and the school to establish what support is needed.