Understanding a referral to The School Safeguarding and Attendance Team
Page updated on: 02/09/2024
A school may also refer you to the School Safeguarding and Attendance Team (SSAT) which supports families who may be experiencing difficulty in ensuring that their children attend school regularly.
This is a specialist support service which helps children of compulsory school age and their families to get the best out of the education system through regular school attendance. They can offer advice and support to children and families so that there is improved school attendance.
Being referred to the SSAT is a significant escalation in the school’s procedures for dealing with absence and is undertaken when criteria set by the local authority are met, usually including when absence is persistent.
When such a referral is made to the SSAT, all concerned should understand the significance of this step and that it begins legal processes that may lead to statutory interventions or sanctions.
Once a referral has been accepted, a Family Engagement Worker will make contact with the family and the school to establish what support is needed.
The team also works to ensure safeguarding within school settings and oversees Elective Home Education. Staff promote family engagement to enable families to overcome barriers to regular school attendance and engagement in education.
When appropriate the school will work with you and your child, and other relevant services, to capture all the support and actions needed in a pastoral support plan (PSP).
The aim of this plan is to help your child to engage in their learning in school, to support their wellbeing and to improve their attendance.
A pastoral support plan may also be written if your child is at risk of exclusion, ensuring that they get the help needed to remain a pupil at their current school and to address any challenges or barriers that your child is struggling with.
An Individual Development Plan (IDP) may be written if your child has additional learning needs. This will be written alongside yourself and your child. The plan will outline the needs of your child, what you are all hoping to achieve and how your child will be supported on this journey.
All plans will be reviewed regularly so that everyone is confident that the correct support is in place to support your child to attend school, engage in school life, to learn and progress.