Children's rights promise
Page updated on: 01/10/2024
You have the right to make your view known!
We have a duty to make sure children and young people are safe, happy and healthy. We can do this by ensuring you know about your rights and how to access them.
As a result, we have signed a pledge that will ensure we meet minimum standards when making decisions that affect your lives.
Our Children's Rights Promise:
- We will only promise you things we know we can do
- We will involve you in decisions about you and your life but also decisions that might affect you
- We will treat you as individuals and listen to what matters to you
- We will make things happen when they should
- We will put you in touch with the right people to help and support you when needed
- We will ensure there is a lead person for children's rights whose role will be to ensure children's rights are central to all decision making
- We will show you how we have listened to you and what has changed as a result of your input
- We will review how we are delivering on this promise every year
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 set out the wider rights of children and young people.
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